
Simple LED controlling software written in Lua for ESP8266 microcontrollers running NodeMCU with a PCA9685 as PWM-Driver.

Primary LanguageLua


Simple LED controlling software written in Lua for ESP8266 microcontrollers running NodeMCU with a PCA9685 as PWM-Driver.


  • ESP8266 running NodeMCU compiled with the following modules: bit, CJSON, file, GPIO, I²C, net, node, timer, UART, websocket, WiFi and with SSL Support enabled (you can compile your own custom firmware online and free here: https://nodemcu-build.com/)
  • PCA9685 PWM Driver
  • LED Strip (I am using a 12V strip)
  • ...


  • restructure code
  • find out how to smoothly control the brightness of each color with the PCA9685
  • add fade functions to fade from one color to another
  • great, now I need to implement some kind of mutual exclusion for the fade function < no I actually don't have to cause every fade uses the same tmr_ref. that means if a fade is running and a second one starts, the previously running one will just stop and the new fade will start to fade where the other one stopped
  • add a basic server to accept json encoded data
  • improve readme (add more infos, requirements etc)