Installation ============== Target Platform ---------------- - Windows 7 - Python 3.4.3 installed - Django 1.9.1 installed - Sqlite 3.8 Pre-Config ---------- - Python 3.4.3 executable exists in path Installation Steps ------------------ - Unzip healthnet in target folder - Open a cmd window in the healnet root directory, it will be folder containing - type in command "python makemigrations" wait for it to finish - type in command "python migrate" wait for it to finish - type in command "python shell <" this creates default/basic users Running ======= Starting The System -------------------- - Open a cmd window in the healthnet root directory, it will be the folder containing - Type "python runserver" - In a web browser navigate to localhost:8000/ Resetting the database ---------------------- - Open a cmd window in the healthnet root directory, the same directory as - Type "python shell <" Default Users -------------- These uses can be used to test the system - Doctor Strange, username: drstrange and password: pass - Nurse Normal, username: nursenormal and password: pass - Patient Zero, username: patientzero and password: pass Creating an Admin account ------------------------- - Open a cmd window in the healthnet root directory, it will be the folder containing - Type "python createsuperuser" - Follow the prompts - Once done you can login to the admin after starting the system by navigating to localhost:8000/admin Known Bugs ---------- - When filling out any forms, if a field is left blank and the form is submitted an error page is displayed - If a user doesn't fill out the hospital during registration it results in an unknown user state and various features stop working - Clicking on Doctor link in Profile of Patient causes error - There can be overlapping events with different people Features Missing in Release-1 ----------------------------- -Month, Week, Day view for Patient, Nurse, and Doctor respectfully -Patient emerency contact can't be linked to another user in system -Trusted nurses aren't implemeneted Features in Release-1 --------------------- -Registration of patients with proof of insurance -Editing the profile of a patient, and can only be editied by that patient -Event creation with events showing up on affecting users' calendars -Viewing an event and it's details -Doctors and Patients can delete an event -Nurses can create events between different doctors and patients -Events won't form when the doctor isn't located at location/hospital -Logs created for various actions preformed by users -Logs can be viewed by admin -Successful login of users registered in system -Doctor viewing all of their patients -EMR viewing and vital history
A django project to test the functionality of django_autocomplete_light and determine if its correct for our projects