
There are implementations of some commands, a few linux games and homework in "Understanding Unix/Linux Programming"

Primary LanguageC


There are implementations of some commands and homework in "Understanding Unix/Linux Programming" and "CSAPP"


A simple shell can only run commands with some arguments in PATH, version 0.2.


Accept a command, find a program in the path, and repeat the above work before receiving the exit command (and ignore the interrupt signal from the keyboard)


git clone https://github.com/jkilopu/Linux-Programming.git
cd ./Linux-Programming/process
gcc my_shell.c -o my_shell

try command like "ls -l" or "bc" etc.


  1. Do not support redirect.
  2. Do not support pipe.
  3. Do not support anything complex.


They are imitation of the classic games Mine and Snake.

I have moved them to other repos: mymine, mysnake.

But their early version branches was left here.