More SQL Queries

In this lab, we will write more SELECT statements to solidify our ability to query a SQL database. We will also write more specific queries using the tools we learned in the previous lesson.


  1. Solidify our ability to interact with SQL databases by writing more SELECT statements
  2. Use SELECT with ORDER BY and DESC/ASC to order our results by the values of a specific column
  3. Use LIMIT to select only a certain number of rows
  4. Use BETWEEN to obtain results that fit between specified values

Famous Dogs

We have a database full of famous dogs! The dogs table is populated with the following data:

name age gender breed temperament hungry
Snoopy 3 M beagle friendly 1
McGruff 10 M bloodhound aware 0
Scooby 6 M great dane hungry 1
Little Ann 5 F coonhound loyal 0
Pickles 13 F black lab mischievous 1
Clifford 4 M big red smiley 1
Lassie 7 F collie loving 1
Snowy 8 F fox terrier adventurous 0
NULL 4 M golden retriever playful 1


Write your SQL queries in the file. Fill the empty string in each method with the proper query to get the tests in test/ to pass.

  • select_all_female_dogs_name_and_breed returns the name and breed for all female dogs

  • select_all_dogs_names_in_alphabetical_order returns the names of all dogs listed in alphabetical order. Notice that SQL lists the nameless dog first.

  • select_nameless_dog returns all information for any dog that doesn't have a name

  • select_hungry_dogs_name_and_breed_ordered_by_youngest_to_oldest returns the name and breed of only the hungry dogs and lists them from youngest to oldest

  • select_name_age_and_temperament_of_oldest_dog returns the oldest dog's name, age, and temperament

  • select_name_and_age_of_three_youngest_dogs returns the three youngest dogs

  • select_name_and_breed_of_dogs_between_age_five_and_ten_ordered_by_oldest_to_youngest returns the name and breed of only the dogs who are between five and ten years old

  • select_name_age_and_hungry_of_hungry_dogs_between_age_two_and_seven_in_alphabetical_order returns the name, age, and hungry columns for hungry dogs between the ages of two and seven. This query should also list these dogs in alphabetical order.


Great work! In this lab we practiced writing more complex SQL statements to not only query specific information but also define the quantity of results and the order of our results.