
Project Abstract

For decades, people have been snoozing their alarms and struggling to get out of bed on time. It begin with digital alarm clocks, and has progressed to applications on individual cell phones. Even as technology progresses, people continue to oversleep. Without proper motivation, people will likely continue to snooze their alarm and sleep late, causing them to miss out on their commitments. Good Alarm is an app that aims to eliminate this issue by providing users with benevolent motivation, resulting in more users waking up on time.

The goal of the app is to incentivise users to wake up on time by forcing them to make a charitable donation to their “favorited” organization whenever they snooze/oversleep. In this situation, users are incentivised to save their money by not snoozing their alarm, but even if they do oversleep, the money will be going to a charitable cause (a “win-win” situation). When a user presses snooze, money will be taken from a payment source that the user inputs upon account creation, and donated to their selected charity. There are a select number of charities to choose from which will be displayed in a tab within the application. The user can also create a number of different alarms and keep track of within the application.


Broadly, anyone with a mobile phone that struggles with waking up on time is a potential customer for the application, as small amounts of money can incentivise nearly any user. More specifically however, this application can serve to be a great tool for college students, as many struggle with getting up on time and a lack of sleep. College students also struggle with money and the extra incentive of saving their money will help with morning productivity.

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