
A random inspirational message for every day

Primary LanguagePython


A random inspirational message for every day


  • collection.py is a copy of the initial version of remainding.py
  • whenever the code in idiom-generator.py is run, remaining.py should get one phrase shorter!
  • feel free to add new idioms to remainding.py :)


The full list (whereas collection.py idioms yet to be assigned)

  1. I'm drawing a blank
  2. Living by the seat of your pants
  3. Burning the candle from both ends
  4. Take this with a grain of salt
  5. I don't mean to rain on your parade
  6. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
  7. The tables have turned
  8. Burn it into your memory
  9. To paint a grim picture
  10. I took the liberty of
  11. You might turn a blind eye
  12. That's the way the cookie crumbles
  13. It rains cats and dogs
  14. To paint the town red
  15. Not my cup of tea
  16. Don't sell me a dog
  17. Sweating like a pig
  18. A watched pot never boils
  19. I'll reign it in
  20. Just my two cents
  21. Out of the woods
  22. Knock on wood
  23. You can't have your cake and eat it too
  24. Clutching at straws
  25. Kill two birds with one stone
  26. Early bird catches the worm
  27. To get a run for your money
  28. To see the light at the end of the tunnel
  29. I'm on a kick
  30. This pushes my buttons
  31. This grinds my gears
  32. To bite of more than I can chew
  33. Don't rest on your laurels
  34. The horse has left the barn
  35. Treading water
  36. The last straw
  37. I've cooked my goose
  38. Hand caught in the cookie jar
  39. To spill the beans
  40. It has a good ring to it
  41. You can put your money on it
  42. You can take it to the bank
  43. To have an egg on one's face
  44. Hitting the hay
  45. It's all french to me
  46. It's like herding cats