
fork of ghilbert which is at https://code.google.com/p/ghilbert/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

README for Ghilbert prototype

Raph Levien
26 Feb 2010

Here is a prototype of the Ghilbert implementation.

You can use the batch verifier as follows:

python verify.py peano/peano_thms.gh

You can run the web app locally by installing the appengine SDK and running:

dev_appserver.py .

Then navigating to http://localhost:8080/edit/thmname

Save the proof by pressing Ctrl-S, then navigating to:


The interactive proof tool is, at present, extremly rough.

For more details, see http://ghilbert.googlecode.com/

Note: includes the minified JavaScript version of google-diff-match-patch,
which is (also) under Apache 2 license. For full attribution, please see: