
Simple proxy for leveraging ffmpeg to convert any source URL into MPEG-TS over HTTP

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Simple proxy for leveraging ffmpeg to convert any source URL into MPEG-TS and serve it on demand over HTTP. It has been designed for proxying HLS streams for use as IPTV input in tvheadend, but it can be used with any source that can be handled by the avconv utility. Currently it simply remuxes the source stream into MPEG-TS and adds a service name (for automatic detection in tvheadend), no transcoding is performed.

Since HLS input can be a bit unreliable, the converter process will be restarted automatically (without the HTTP response ending) until the client closes the connection (in which case the process is killed).

This version has been modified to support being a HDHomeRun interface directly into Plex DVR (Beta).

You can use the examples/sources.json file and the included scripts to satisfy the endpoints that Plex exercises on a HDHomeRun device. THe sources.json syntax has been extended to make this function, and you can use the proxy in multiple DVRs. This is inspired (read: ported) from https://github.com/jkaberg/tvhProxy .


  • nodejs >= 0.12
  • avconv or ffmpeg


  • Install the required libraries by running npm install in the project directory. You will have to run this command again if you update to a newer version.
  • Copy examples/sources.json someplace and modify it
  • Run the program using nodejs node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.js
Usage: nodejs ./node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.js [-a <avconv>] [-q | -v] [-s <sources>]

  -l, --listen   The address to listen on                                   [default: "::"]
  -a, --avconv   The path to avconv, defaults to just "avconv"              [default: "avconv"]
  -s, --sources  The path to sources.json                                   [required]
  -q, --quiet    Disable all logging to stdout
  -v, --verbose  Enable verbose logging (shows the output from avconv)

Once the proxy is running, streams are available on the e.g. http://localhost/channel1, because the ports 80 and 5004 are used to match the HDHomeRun and a source with the URL /channel1 exists. The port argument is not available because Plex will only look on the expected ports.

Configuring sources

Sources are read from the file specified when starting the program (use examples/sources.json as a starting point). The file contains an array of JSON objects with the following definition:

  • name: the service name
  • provider: the name of the service provider
  • url: the relative URL the stream will be available on when served
  • source: the source URL
  • avconvOptions: (optional) special avconv parameters for this source. This is an object containing two arrays, inputand output.
  • prescript: (optional) script to run before transcoding starts. Useful if you need to bring up temporary VPN interfaces etc. Four arguments are passed to the script; the source URL, the relative stream URL, the provider name and the channel name.
  • postscript: (optional) same as prescript except it's run when streaming is stopped.
  • http_proxy: (optional) the HTTP proxy to use for the source (e.g. http://proxy.example.com:8080)
  • avconv: (optional) source-specific override of the avconv binary to use. This can be useful if you for some reason need to use a special version off ffmpeg just to play a specific source.

The program listens to changes made to the source file and reloads it automatically whenever it is changed. The main idea behind this is to support source URLs that contain parameter that change frequently and need to be adapted for (e.g. session IDs). If the changes you make result in the file being unreadable (malformed JSON) it will complain about that and continue using the previous source definitions (if any). Below is an excerpt from the example source file.

                "name": "Channel One",
                "provider": "Provider One",
                "url": "/channel1",
                "source": "http://iptv.example.com/channel1.m3u8"

Custom avconv parameters

If your sources require additional parameters to work correctly (most commonly because the source uses MP4 as container) you can append to the default ones by using the avconvOptions source parameter. Here is a complete example:

                "name": "Channel One",
                "provider": "Provider One",
                "url": "/channel1",
                "source": "rtmp://example.com:1935/live playpath=test live=1 pageUrl=http://example.com/foo token=bar timeout=10",
                "avconvOptions": {
                        "input": [
                                "fflags", "+genpts"
                        "output": [
                                "-bsf", "h264_mp4toannexb"

In the example above, the options fflags +genpts will be injected before the input source is specified (which means those options apply to the input, and -bsf h264_mp4toannexb will be injected before the output destination is specified (which means those options apply to the output).

If you only need to specify output parameters you can omit the input key completely.

Commonly needed parameters

In most cases you don't need any extra parameters, although one often needed one is the -bsf h264_mp4toannexb output option (as in the example above). If you enable silly debugging mode (-v) and get an H.264 bitstream malformed, no startcode found, use the h264_mp4toannexb bitstream filter (-bsf h264_mp4toannexb) error message, this is what you need.

HDHomeRun additions

The sources.json format has been expanded to add further scripting capability and support for a sort of Server Name Identification (SNI) in order to have the proxy present different channel lists to different hostnames.

First, you can specify serving of a fixed local file. This is done by specifying "mime" with a mime-type for the file and "file" for the relative path to the file on disk. The file is read synchronously so it must be small and not a stream. Tip: If you just want to emulate a HTTP 200 OK response, set "file" to "/dev/null".

If a script must be triggered to generate the file, use "prescript" to run the script.

Second, you can specify running a script and directly sending the output to the HTTP client. Specify "mime" and "script" for this.

The script has been extended to support being run with "HTTP_HOST" environment variable provided which will be the "host:port" provided by the client in the HTTP Host header (warning: not sanitised yet!).

We also strip URL parameters from the URL requests before matching them to sources. The "duration" argument is explicitly matched and applied as an output avconv option, so that Plex stops streaming (and we do not treat this as an error state) after its desired time has expired.

Using with Plex

You must run this program as root on a machine that isn't already running another web server.

Then you must add a DVR from the Settings in the Plex Web App. It will not automatically discover your "device". You will need to enter the IP address or hostname of the server in the manual entry box. Tip: If you associate multiple IP addresses or hostnames with the same machine you will be able to reuse the server on multiple DVRs. This way you can exploit multiple Plex program guide regions. Note that the default discover.sh script will try its best to generate different HDHomeRun hardware IDs if you do this.

Note that Plex appears to ignore the URL that you specify in the lineup for each channel and is hardcoded to use "/auto/vn" where n is the guide channel number.

If you renumber channels you may get an error from Plex Web. Fix this by deselecting all of the channels, pressing Save, then editing again.

Running as a service

You can turn the proxy into a proper daemon that can be started and stopped like other services. Start by placing your source definitions in /etc/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy/sources.json, then follow the instructions below for your startup system.

Systemd (Ubuntu >= 16.04, Debian >= Jessie)

  • Copy support/systemd/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.service to /lib/systemd/system and modify it if necessary (e.g. to change the parameters passed to it or the user it should run as)
  • Run sudo systemctl enable node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.service to enable the service
  • Run sudo systemctl start node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.service to start the service

If you make any changes to /lib/systemd/system/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.service after you've enabled the service you will have to run sudo systemctl daemon-reload for the changes to take effect.

The output from the application is logged to /var/log/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.log

Upstart (Ubuntu 14.04)

  • Copy support/upstart/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.conf to /etc/init/ and modify it if necessary (e.g. to change the parameters passed to it or the user it should run as)
  • Run sudo service node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy start

The output from the application is logged to /var/log/upstart/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.log

SysVinit (Debian Wheezy)

  • Copy sysvinit/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy to /etc/init.d, modify it if necessary (e.g. to change the parameters passed to it or the user it should run as)
  • Run sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy
  • Run sudo update-rc.d node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy defaults to enable the service on startup
  • Run sudo /etc/init.d/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy start to start the service

The output from the application is logged to /var/log/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy.log

Development environment

Install nodejs and ffmpeg locally, no virtual machines required.

In order to easily test the startup/service scripts there is a Vagrantfile which starts three separate virtual machines, one for each supported init system.