A php PSR-0/4 compliant skeleton package, pre-configured with phpunit + coverage
Comes pre configured with phpunit and travis ci out the box
$ git clone .
$ rm -Rf .git
$ rm composer.json
$ mv composer.json.dist composer.json
$ git init
Next you need to rename your package namespaces lib/AppNameSpace to lib/YourApp lib/AppNameSpace/AppClassName to lib/YourApp/YourClassName
Then the same with the test directory. These namespaces need to match but appending 'Test' to the name
Tests/AppNameSpaceTest to Tests/YourAppTest
Tests/AppNameSpace/AppClassNameTest to Tests/YourApp/YourClassNameTest
PHPunit tests
To run php unit tests
$ phpunit
To run php unit tests with coverage
$ phpunit --coverage-html coverage
Composer Scripts
To help with mundane tasks, there are some pre-configured composer scripts to speed up repetative tasks
$ composer gaa
runs the $ git add --all command
$ composer pu
runs a standard phpunit test
$ composer pu-c
runs a phpunit test with coverage
and you will see the outcome of your tests
Composer setup
Dont forget to setup your composer file other wise installs wont work
"type": "library",
"description": "",
"keywords": [ "" ],
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
{ "name": "", "email": "" }
Email: jkirkby91 {at} gmail {dot} com Twitter: @jkirkby91
add a gulp/grunt script to server a local webserver showing coverage dashboard add bower/npm/grunt scaffolds
Skeleton Boilerplate for Laravel packages/service providers