- agdollaBudapest, Hungary
- Asura32
- bjsongzhen
- brightownNorth-northeast
- ChildLearningClubKitakyushu, Japan
- chrismarchRumble Entertainment
- cweb2000
- d0o0b
- darus90
- ephemient
- HaraldZlattingerEA DICE
- hoangminhanhtai
- jvirgen-seismicCalifornia
- k2m5t2Georgia Institute of Technology
- khlorghaalUS
- kosam0913ILM
- lalamax3dFilm Factory
- lghaizx
- marksteward
- Minghou-LeiKingsoft - Amazing Seasun Games
- NegativeMindTokyo
- nejurgisAmsterdam, Netherlands
- neochin-john
- nutboy
- pabloemmanueldeleoCofcof Studios
- PiloeGAOPiktura
- SensAriceCN
- sihyeon-kimDaejeon, Republic of Korea
- swanee3d
- threefoldo
- tin2tin
- tmpbci
- vickyhexrHexr Factory
- vpenadesRehametrics
- zhaozhaoXiDian University