
A Javascript visualisation specifically designed for the Roplot drawing robot. The visualisation depicts the drawing robot and can be animate simulate the movements of the physical Roplot drawing robot.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Roplot Visualiser

This repository holds a Javascript visualisation specifically designed for the Roplot drawing robot. The visualisation depicts the drawing robot and can be animate simulate the movements of the physical Roplot drawing robot and the output it will draw.

Screenshot of visualisation



The project is structured as a JQuery Plugin. It can be initialised as follows:

    <link href="roplot.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="roplot.js"></script>
        settings = {
            "physical": { 
                "boomRadius": 500,      // Radius of the boom
                "boomWidth": 10,        // Width of the boom
                "boomColor": "gray",    // Boom colour
                "drawStart": 100,       // Distance from boom center where carriage stops - inner
                "drawEnd": 450,         // Distance from boom center where carriage stops - outer
                "carWidth": 20,         // Carriage Width - axis normal to boom
                "carHeight": 20,        // Carriage Height - axis parallel to boom
                "pens": [{
                    "pole": "north",    // Which half of the boom is the carriage on. North or South
                    "color": "red",     // Color of the pen
                    "width": 5,         // Width of the pen tip
                    "offset": {         // Offset of pen tip from center of boom
                        x: 15,
                        y: 0
            "clock": {
                "tickInterval": 5,      // Interval in degrees between tick marks
                "LabelInterval": 15     // Interval in degrees between tick labels

To rotate the boom:

$('#roplotter').boomTo(degrees); // Where 'degrees' is an integer between 0 and 359

To move the pen carriage:

$('#roplotter').carTo(mm); // Where 'mm' is the physical distance from the pivot to the destination of the pen tip


To facilitate interaction the plugin fires events. These events can be listened to by attaching a listener. For example:

$('#roplotter').on('click', function(e, details) { console.log(details); });
Events Description
click When the visualisation is clicked on
mousemove When the mouse moves over the visualisation

The click and mousemove events return details of the mouse position relative to the center of the plotter i.e. its point of pivot.

    cxOffset: 210.40    // X Offset from devices central pivot
    cyOffset: 18.59     // Y Offset from devices central pivot
    degrees: 84.95      // Angle in degrees
    radians: 1.48       // Angle in radians
    inDrawSpace: true   // Is the mouse in the drawable area
    originalX: 600      // X Position relative to top left of element
    originalY: 371      // Y Position relative to top left of element
    radius: 211.22      // Distance between mouse and pivot 


The visualisation emulates the behaviour of a real plotter. To draw on the surface you must pass it Rolang RAT code. For example:


The wipe the surface clean:
