
This is an SDStore based project designed for the collection of data over a RFM69 Radio network

Primary LanguagePython

Sound System - Server

This repository is part of a larger project which brings together Raspberry PI's, SDStore, Arduino style microcontrollers, Smart phones, BLE and RFM69 radios, to create a sound level monitoring local area sensor network. In this repository you will find code to initialise and run a local Raspberry Pi based, SD-Store server. For more information see http://kittley.com.




Weather you are want to run this project locally or deploy to a Raspberry Pi there are a few steps we need to complete.

  1. Create a python 3 environment on your local machine using your favourite virtual environment manager e.g. using Anaconda, and activate it:
conda create --name soundsystem-server

source activate soundsystem-server
  1. Clone this repository and open the folder.
cd /path/to/save/location/

git clone https://github.com/jkittley/soundsystem-server.git 

cd soundsystem-server
  1. Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements_local.txt

Run locally

If you want to run the project locally then you need to tell Django that the project is on a local machine. You can do this by creating a environmental variable before you run the server:

export LOCAL=1 & python manage.py runserver

Deploy to a remote Raspberry Pi

I am going to assume you have:

The following commands below will no doubt work on other versions of linux based operating systems, however we have not tested them. Also keep an eye on the progress of the following commands and be sure to correct any errors as they occur. If you need help then please add an issue.

  1. The first command will turn your Raspberry Pi into a webserver.
fab install_webserver -H raspberrypi.local

Note: If you get an error like this: "Fatal error: Host key for raspberrypi.local did not match pre-existing key!". You may need to remove a previously registered SSH key for the domain raspberrypi.local. Do do this run: ssh-keygen -R raspberrypi.local.

  1. Now we need to upload the website for the first time.
fab setup_website -H raspberrypi.local
  1. Next we need to create a Admin user so we can login and make changes.
fab create_superuser -H raspberrypi.local

Making changes

The project is based on Django and SD-Store. To make modifications you first should verse yourself in how to manipulate Django based websites and how to interact with SD-Store.

Deploy changes to remote Raspberry Pi

Once you have made changes to the code, you will need to redeploy them to the Raspberry Pi server. The following command will copy across the source files and reboot all the necessary services automatically.

fab redeploy -H raspberrypi.local

Add ssh key

To save time you can add an SSH key to the PI using this command. Once executed you will no longer need to login!

fab add_ssh_key:/Users/username-here/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -H raspberrypi.local

Add a Sensor

Adding a sensor is easy. Sound system automatically creates Sensors and Channels for inbound data so all you need to do is make sure the Sensor ID (Node ID) in the sensor code is set correctly (e.g. it is unique). Once data has been receivewd fromt he sensor you can add a friendly name for the sensor node in the admin panel: http://raspberrypi.local/admin/.

Setup Access the Pi desktop via VNC

If you want to access the Pi from a remote location then the easiest way is to use VNC. This method does not require the router settings to be altered and all the necessary tools are already installed in Raspbian Jessie onward.

  1. SSH into the PI and make sure VNC is upto date: sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server realvnc-vnc-viewer
  2. Open VNC Config: nano /root/.vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11
  3. Replace "Authentication=SystemAuth" with "Authentication=VncAuth" and save the file. If there is no line to replace, just add the "Authentication=VncAuth" on a new line.
  4. Run sudo vncpasswd -service and create a password.
  5. Run sudo raspi-config
  6. Navigate to Interfacing Options, scroll down and select VNC > Yes.
  7. Navigate to Boot Options, and make sure the Pi starts up in the desktop.
  8. Exit, save and reboot the Pi
  9. Navigate to https://www.realvnc.com/ and create an account.
  10. Download the VNC viewer for your machine.
  11. Add your realvnc.com credentials to the VNC viewer app.
  12. Connect to you Pi on the local network e.g. raspberrypi.local
  13. On the desktop use the VNC management tool to add your realvnc.com credentials. Click the menu and select "licensing"
  14. Close the currect connection.
  15. The PI should now appear in your list of remote devices.
  16. Double click on the PI and test the connection.