Forked from https://github.com/MesihK/PROST-contact-based-alignment

Primary LanguagePython

Embeding & Attention Correlation

  • embed.py embeds given sequence and also creates attention based contact map with given threshold. This threshold is a score threshold and ranges between 0 and 1. The higher the score the more corelated the residues are. 0.02 and above is a good indicator of correlation.
  • It generates two files out.prdb and out.cnt.txt. The prdb can be used with PROST to search a database like this prost searchsp --thr 0.05 out.prdb results.tsv
  • ESM1b only accepts sequences upto 1022 aa length. Due to this contact map generation is limited to lenght of 1022 aa.
  • If a fasta file wiht multiple sequences given, embed.py will generate a set of [$(out).$(i).prdb, $(out).$(i).cnt.txt] files for each sequence and a name mapping file $(out).names.txt
  • Use embed.py to embed sequences in one go by giving multiple sequences with a fasta file because loading the language model will take at least 30sec. If you embed one by one, you'll have an overhead of 30sec for each.
Usage: embed.py [OPTIONS]

  A program that generates PROST embeddings and extracts contacts based on
  attention maps

  -s, --seq TEXT   Sequence itself or a FASTA file
  -o, --out TEXT   Output file prefix
  -t, --thr FLOAT  Threshold for contact
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Alignment with Contact Map and 400x400 matrix

  • align.py takes two sequences s1 and s2 and a contact map c1 to produce contact based alignment.
  • The 400x400 matrix can be selected with -c option.
  • The score is calcualted like this w*(400x400matrixScore) + (20x20matrixScore).
  • 20x20 matrix can be selected via -m switch.
  • The weight of 400x400 matrix can be selected with -w option.
usage: align.py [-h] [-s1 S1] [-c1 C1] [-s2 S2] [-o O] [-e E] [-g] [-c C] [-w W] [-m M]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -s1 S1      Query sequence
  -c1 C1      Contact map of query seqeunce
  -s2 S2      Target sequence
  -o O        Gap open score
  -e E        Gap extend score
  -g          Global alignment, default local
  -c C        CAO matrix, default cao120
  -w W        CAO matrix weight
  -m M        Matrix [blosum62,protsub]


3csk.cont.txt is the real contact map from the PDB and produces this alignment:

score 498.68, dcut:10 scut:0, pcut:0 w:0.1 matrix:protsub, gap open:10.50 gap extend 0.50
Length 78, Identity: 18/78 (23.08%), Similarity: 55/78 (70.51%), gaps: 5/78 (6.41%)
:.| ..|.||..|.::.|.:: .:...|||:.|.  ||......|...:|....:| ..|...:.....:..:...||

while out.cont.txt is the contact map generated with ESM1b and 0.02 threshold and it also produces the same result:

score 248.83, w:0.1 matrix:protsub, gap open:10.50 gap extend 0.50
Length 78, Identity: 18/78 (23.08%), Similarity: 55/78 (70.51%), gaps: 5/78 (6.41%)
:.| ..|.||..|.::.|.:: .:...|||:.|.  ||......|...:|....:|.. |...:.....:..:...||

These examples sequences are from Protsub paper. 3csk and 3fvy.