
Helm Chart for Jalapeno

Primary LanguageMustache

Jalapeno Helm Chart

This repository should provide a basic Helm Chart for the Jalapeno project.
In order to minimize the configuration and maintainance effort, there are also official charts in use (influxdb, grafana and kafka).


There are some limitations in the moment:

ArangoDB Root Password

The arangodb operator does not yet let us define a root password.
Therefore you have to install the helm chart and first set the root password in the UI of Arango.
After that all crashing pods will be coming in a running state.

The default password of the arangodb is as follows:

username: root
password: ""


You need to install the arangodb operator first. This is the new official recommended way to deploy arango databases on a Kubernetes cluster.

export URLPREFIX=https://github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb/releases/download/1.2.8
helm install arangodb-crd $URLPREFIX/kube-arangodb-crd-1.2.8.tgz
helm install arangodb-operator $URLPREFIX/kube-arangodb-1.2.8.tgz

Deploy Helm Chart

$ helm install -f <path_to_your_values_file> <release-name> jalapeno --namespace <namespace>