
MyLearning Tech Webinar Automated Network Device Backup

Primary LanguagePython

MyLearning Tech Webinar Automated Network Device Backup

Here you can find all the material which was used for the tech webinar.

If you want to know more about these topics you are welcome to visit our website or contact us directly.

There is also a blog post (in german) on the same topic.


When you want to try out the Ansible Playbooks don't forget to edit the backup paths, inventory files and add a Ansible-Vault file.


When you want to build your own test environment, you can find more information below.


To start a local Ansible AWX instance you can simply execute the command below:

docker-compose up -d


To start a local NetBox instance you can find more information here, or you can use the commands below (simply past it in your terminal):

git clone -b release https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox-docker.git
cd netbox-docker
tee netbox-docker.override.yml <<EOF
version: '3.4'
      - 8000:8080
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up