#KIS - Kerbal Inventory System ####Mod for Kerbal Space Program
KIS introduce new gameplay mechanics by adding a brand new inventory sytem and EVA usables items as tools. You want to build a rover on Duna from scratch? Now you can...
Main features
- KAS inventory system overhaul.
- Visual and user friendly inventory interface using drag and drop system.
- Unique EVA usable items as Screwdriver, Explosive charges or extra EVA fuel tank...
- Inventories for Kerbals.
- Stock alike containers and parts.
- Containers Mounts for easy container detachment and reattachment.
- Item stacking.
- Sounds effects.
- Clear code and .cfg modules to help other modders items creation.
- Standalone (KAS and ModuleManager is not needed).
=== Forum thread: KIS