
Vue / D3 UX graphs components

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

uxgraph logo


Vue wrapper for d3.js predesigned somponents

Please,note: library is still in the development mode!!!

Live demo and code example

Principles used to design the graphs

All designs are based on recommendations of Stephen Few described in a book "Information Dashboard Design".

How to use with npm


Firstly you need to create Vue wrapper component. Exaple of SparklinesBase.vue:

  <div class="svg-container" id="sCanvas"></div>

import { Sparklines } from 'ux-graph'

  export default Sparklines.extend({
    mounted () {
      // Overwriting base render method with actual data
      this.createSparkline('#sCanvas', this.data, this.label, this.circle, this.color)

Then in other your components you can sumply use it as follows:

import Sparklines from './SparklinesBase.vue'
export default {
  name: 'SparklinesContainer',
  components: {
    'sparklines': Sparklines

and call it anywhere in the template using:

<sparklines> </sparklines>

Manual integration

If you want to integrate some component manualy, and not via npm, it is needed to import components with a needed graph (graph components are located in src/components/. Then you can use it as usual Vue instance, and pass custom parameters when needed. Though npm usage is strongly recommended.

import barcharts from './Barcharts.vue'
export default {
  name: 'barcharts',
  components: {
    'barcharts': barcharts

And to use it in a template:


Result is as follows:

uxgraph logo

Available graphs

More graphs would be added during the next stage


uxgraph logo

Line chart

uxgraph logo

Vertical Bar charts

uxgraph logo

Horizontal Bar charts

uxgraph logo


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/lirael/vuejs-d3-uxgraph/fork )
  2. Create new branch for your feature (git checkout -b new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Feature description')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request



This software is distributed under MIT license.