
Atmega 2560 Quadcopter Project from scratch

Primary LanguageEagle


Useful Sites



  • Table 30-4. Fuse High Byte [1]
Fuse High Byte Bit No Description Default Value Value Used
OCDEN 7 Enable OCD 1 (unprogrammed, OCD disabled) 1
JTAGEN 6 Enable JTAG 0 (programmed, JTAG enabled) 1
SPIEN 5 Enable Serial Program & Data Downloading 0 (programmed) 0
WDTON 4 Watchdog Timer always on 1 (unprogrammed) 1
EESAVE 3 EEPROM memory is preserved through Chip Erase 1 (unprogrammed) 1
BOOTSZ1 2 Select Boot Size (see table 29-13) 0 (programmed) 0
BOOTSZ0 1 Select Boot Size (see table 29-13) 0 (programmed) 0
BOOTRST 0 Select Reset Vector 1 (unprogrammed) 1
0x99 0x99
  • Table 30-5. Fuse Low Byte [1]
Fuse Low Byte Bit No Description Default Value Value Used
CKDIV8 7 Divide clock by 8 0 (programmed) 1
CKOUT 6 Clock output 1 (unprogrammed) 1
SUT1 5 Select start-up time 1 (unprogrammed) 1
SUT0 4 Select start-up time 0 (programmed) 0
CKSEL3 3 Select Clock source 0 (programmed) 0
CKSEL2 2 Select Clock source 0 (programmed) 0
CKSEL1 1 Select Clock source 1 (unprogrammed) 1
CKSEL0 0 Select Clock source 0 (programmed) 0
0x62 0xE2

External Libraries for Help

What is this repository for?

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up
  • Configuration
  • Dependencies
    • AVR GCC
  • Database configuration
  • How to run tests
  • Deployment instructions

Who do I talk to?

Thanks to


[1] ATmega640/1280/1281/2560/2561 datasheet