How to go reactive with Quarkus and jOOQ


At the time of writing, there is currently no way to leverage the power of jOOQ together with Quarkus' reactive API. The existing extension enables vanilla jOOQ for Quarkus with it's blocking API.


vertx-jooq unlocks reactive APIs for jOOQ by using vertx' reactive database drivers. It supports several API-variants including Smallrye Mutiny-API which is also used by Quarkus. Quarkus however uses its own dependency injection framework. To support it, one must render the proper annotations in the generated jOOQ files. vertx-jooq provides out-of-the-box support for GuiceDI. With a little adjustment to the code-generator we can render @Inject-annotations and omit the creation of Guice-Modules which are rendered by default:

public class QuarkusReactiveGenerator extends DelegatingVertxGenerator {

    public QuarkusReactiveGenerator() {
        super(VertxGeneratorBuilder.init().withMutinyAPI().withPostgresReactiveDriver().withGuice(false, PredefinedNamedInjectionStrategy.DISABLED).build());

After we've built the generator, we can use it to generate our files. However - similar to Guice - QuarkusDI needs to know how to create the org.jooq.Configuration, SqlClient, etc. For those classes we need to give QuarkusDI a hint how these classes are created. Take a look at this example for the Configuration-object:

public class ConfigurationFactory {

    public Configuration createContext(){
        Configuration configuration = new DefaultConfiguration();
        return configuration;


The other classes are handled in a similar fashion. Just put the factories somewhere in your classpath so Quarkus can find it, and you're good to go (Hint: don't forget to configure your project properly in a multi-module maven-setup).


Step 1: build code generator so the jOOQ-code generation plugin can find it

cd codegen && mvn clean install

Step 2: boot sakila database

docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -p --name sakila 1maa/sakila:latest

Step 3 (optional): generate sources

mvn clean generate-sources 

Step 4 (for IntelliJ): add generated sources as source root

1. Open File->Project Structure->Modules->application
2. Add src/main/generated as source root

Step 5: start dev-server

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev -pl application

Step 6: open browser

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