
Find anything in your command history

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Find anything in your command history


Just a few - MacOS should be set; for linux, you need sqlite3 and openssl libraries, as well as flex and bison and bsd compatibility

On Ubuntu, for example:

apt-get install -y build-essential libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev flex bison libbsd-dev


On MacOS, for example in .bash_profile:

save_cmd() {
    path/to/histx index $(history 1 | awk '{$1=""; print $0}')


For zsh, set your pre_cmd() hook:

precmd() {
    path/to/histx index $(history -1 | awk '{$1=""; print $0}')

If you'd like to run tests:

make all

Importing current history

At present, you can import your current history using the index command:

# for zsh
history 1 | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | path/to/histx index -

# for bash
history | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | path/to/histx index -

Reverse Search


For zsh, you can create a widget to invoke histx for reverse/forward search. Explore presently does not have any "directionality" notion per se, so bind as you wish.

Example with zle:

function _histx-search {
  local VISUAL="$PATH_TO_HISTX explore"
  zle edit-command-line # will invoke $VISUAL with a tmp file name
  zle accept-line

zle -N _histx-search # register the widget
bindkey "^R" _histx-search # bind traditional emacs mode rev search 
bindkey -a "/" _histx-search # bind traditional vi mode rev search


usage: histx [-d dbfile] <command>
		-d path/to/db/file.db -- defaults to $HOME/.histx.db or the value of $HISTX_DB_FILE
		-h this usage information
		index             - index all arguments after this command - 
		                    if the only argument after index is `-` read from stdin
		find              - find matching commands using the the passed keywords
		cat               - dump the indexed commands
		explore [tmpfile] - interactive searching of the index
		                    If [tmpfile] is provided, will write the selection (if any)
		                    to the tmp file.
		prune             - allows you to mark entries to be pruned from the index via the explore interface


Options should be placed in ~/.histx


  • explore-basic = true - simply print the explore result instead of writing back into the command buffer
  • search-limit = <limit> - set the maximum number of results returned in interactive explore; default is 5