Expenses tracker

Run clean docker mysql database

docker run --name mysql-gastos -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pwd -e MYSQL_DATABASE='expenses' -p 3306:3306 -d mysql:5.7.23

Run clean docker metabase

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name metabase metabase/metabase

To generate virtual environment

bash venv_creation.sh

This will create a folder named "venv" where a python binary can be found with all the dependencies to run the project

Setting up google sheet acces:

Follow his full instructions on the Google Developers Console web site to create a service account Client ID JSON file. I will call the file gspread-test.json from now on.

After saving gspread-test.json you need to share your document with the given email in the client_email field of the file. Otherwise you’ll get a SpreadsheetNotFound exception when trying to open it.


COnnect to mysql ddbb in terminal

mysql -u user -D expenses -h -p


  1. To generate topics script
venv/bin/python3 generate_topics.py