
Primary LanguageShell

This is just a pet projet to get familiar with the TIG stack.

The idea to use a dockerize version of the stack for:

  • Telegraf

  • Grafana

  • InfluxDB

How to get the latest saved dashboard

Here it is accesible the definition of the dasboard:


This is useful to to update the dashboard on local without having to copy it expilicitly: (grafana/grafana#13029)

curl -k -u admin:admin "localhost:3000/api/dashboards/db/example" | jq '.dashboard.id = null' | jq '.dashboard'  > ./grafana/dashboards/example.json

Inject data to Telegraf

As test it is possible to inject data to telegraf using inject-dummy.sh script.


I tried to use UDP instead of TCP on telegraf setup for injecting data, but seems there is some problems when using UDP and Docker: moby/moby#15127