
Simple script to view a chain of x509 certificates stored in a single PEM file as a tree. It also enables viewing expiry dates and purging expired certificates. It uses openssl under the hood. It builds the tree looking only at Subject and Issuer fields. It does NOT validate the certificate chain.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple script to view a chain of x509 certificates stored in a single PEM file as a tree. It also enables viewing expiry dates and purging expired certificates.

Note: it builds the tree looking only at Subject and Issuer fields. It does NOT validate the certificate chain.


cert_tree.py --help 
usage: cert_tree.py [-h] [-p] [-e] [-r] cert_file

View tree of certificates in pem bundle

positional arguments:
  cert_file             the cert file in pem format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --position        show position of cert in file
  -e, --expiry          show expiry date
  -r, --remove_expired  remove expired certs and output the good ones to stderr


cert_tree.py -p ~/.certs/ca_list.pem  
━ CorpRoot            [1]
    ┣━ ServerCA       [2]
    ┣━ example_cert   [3]
    ┗━ example_2      [8]
━ RootCert            [4]
    ┣━ example_cert3  [5] [EXPIRED on: 2019-06-03 13:26:21]
    ┣━ other          [6]
    ┣━ other1         [7] [EXPIRED on: 2017-06-16 21:12:18]
    ┗━ AnotherOne     [9]
cert_tree.py -pr ~/.certs/ca_list.pem 1>/dev/null 2>ca_list_new.pem 

cert_tree.py -pe ca_list_new.pem  
━ CorpRoot           [1] [valid until: 2040-05-05 18:19:20]
    ┣━ ServerCA      [2] [valid until: 2025-05-29 19:51:12]
    ┣━ example_cert  [3] [valid until: 2025-06-15 00:07:55]
    ┗━ example_2     [4] [valid until: 2025-06-04 14:56:07]
━ RootCert           [5] [valid until: 2029-04-28 14:53:22]
    ┣━ other         [6] [valid until: 2022-09-05 21:32:11]
    ┗━ AnotherOne    [7] [valid until: 2023-10-06 15:30:47]
cert_tree.py -pe ~/.certs/mycert.pem
━ RootCert                [3] [valid until: 2031-07-08 17:57:15]
    ┗━ IntermediateCert   [2] [valid until: 2023-07-08 18:55:58]
        ┗━ UserCert       [1] [valid until: 2023-09-17 13:33:00]
cert_tree.py ~/.certs/myothercert.pem
    ┗━ UserCert
━ RootCert
    ┗━ IntermediateCert
━ OtherCert

See also
