
XDR Queries Written for Sophos Central

Sophos Central EDR/XDR Queries


This repo hosts EDR and XDR Queries written for Sophos Central. This is a collection amassing 3 years, so please test on a non-prod machine. Code fragments in the OLD FORMAT may need a revision on column name formatting changes that occurred in the platform data set.

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Source: [Data Lake | Live Endpoint]

OS: [Windows | Mac | Linux]

Variable: [OPTIONAL]






+= Descriptive names:
+= Variable type:
+= Value:
+= Version ## - MM/DD/YY
+= Query type: <L/D or D/L>
+= OS Support: <Windows, Linux, or macOS>

Variable type is a menu drop down selection of String, Date, SHA-256, IP Address, sophosPID, URL. Registry Key, File Path, Device Name, Username. N/A indicates no type is required.

Value is determined by the variable type. Items like Date will give you a menu option, otherwise, you manually enter the value. You can use wildcards here (%). N/A indicates no type is required.

Version number and dates are kept to help maintain the integrity of the code.

Query type indicates if it is Live Discover (on agent) or Data Lake (on Central cloud).

OS Support indicates the operating system the query is designed for. Data Lake queries will not have this value.


The queries are not supported via Sophos Support Channels and are provided "as-is."