
A personal asset management productivity tool designed to be provided by realtors to homeowners, with React/JavaScript, Rails/Ruby and PostgreSQL with API integration to Yelp and a webscraper for automated download of PDF files from ManualsLib.com

Primary LanguageRuby


My-Home is a responsive web application to help people better use the things in their lives. It’s a site to develop best practices using manuals, operating videos and other information for all the appliances and other technology in their home.

My-Home is built with JavaScript and React for the front-end, and Rails, Ruby and PostgreSQL for the back-end. I used Devise for Authentication and Authorization, and used both Dropzone and CarrierWave for file and image uploads. My-Home stores images and documents on Amazon's AWS S3 Cloud Storage.

See the deployed application on Heroku





  • Jeff Korenstein

Built with

Run Locally

The setup steps expect the following tools/versions:

  • Ruby 2.7.1
  • Rails 5.2.3
  • PostgreSQL 13
Clone the Repo
git clone 
Install Dependencies
yarn install 
bundle install 
Create and seed the database
bundle exec rake db: migrate
bundle exec rake db: seed
Run the test suite
bundle exec rspec
Start the Rails server and webpack-dev-server
bundle exec rails s
yarn run start
The application can be accessed locally at http://localhost:3000