a simple wrapper of CUPS API to manipulate your printer from oF.
recently this addon supports the functions below:
- printing direct from oF
- catching errors e.g. low-toner, media tray mepty…
- adding print options e.g. media size, print quality…
(have to be more useful)
- not available for windows.
- required adding libcups.2.dylib (see Screen Shot 2012-03-05 17.35.48.png)
- Download and install gutenprint.
- You can use either the DMG file or compile from source.
- Add the libcups.2.dylib to your project.
- In the Projects window click on your Target.
- Go to the "Build Phases" tab.
- Click the "+" button underneath "Link Binary With Libraries"
- In the ensuing window prompt search for "libcups.2.dylib". Select that and choose add. You do not need any of the other dylibs listed.
- Include the addon in your openFrameworks project.
- Look to the included example file for how to implement ofxCUPs in your project.