❤️ weird + shiny code things. Head of Web Presence @makenotion. ex-@stripe. Sandwich purist. Coffee enthusiast. High strung.
@makenotionBerkeley, CA
jkosoy's Following
- acummingPublicis
- benjaminbojko@bluecadet
- bitchwhocodes
- brianjeremySupergroup™
- brittneykernanBrittney Kernan
- bruzed@ustwo
- cedricpinsonSketchfab
- cwhitneyBUCK
- danmall@SuperFriendly
- dmak78GenUI
- dscheibelhttp://www.redpaperheart.com
- elihorneBrooklyn
- fractionwholeGoogle
- JesterXLCapital One
- joshkadisBrooklyn, NY
- joshtynjala@feathersui and @openfl
- justinmacnairBrooklyn, NY
- kweisman
- mattkenefickPolymer Mallard
- mattkosoyPacifica, CA
- mrdoob
- obviousjimBrooklyn, New York
- skochPostlight @postlight
- snorpeywürzburg, germany
- zero-is-one