
Build a travel company platform. API service to provide weather information. Add functionality to add and delete the information as well as to perform some queries. You'll be dealing with typical information for weather data like latitude, longitude, temperature, etc. Each weather data is a JSON object describing daily temperature recorded at a given location on a given date. id: the unique integer ID of the object date: the date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, denoting the date of the record lat: the latitude (up to 4 decimal places) of the location of the record lon: the longitude (up to 4 decimal places) of the location of the record city: the name of the city of the record state: the name of the state of the record temperature: a Double value, up to one decimal place, denoting the daily temperature of the record in Celsius Here is an example of a weather data JSON object: { "id": 1, "date": "2021-1-06", "lat": 66.1189, "lon": 26.6892, "city": "Mumbai", "state": "MH", "temperature": 27.3 } The REST service must expose the /weather endpoint, which allows for managing the collection of weather records in the following way: POST request to /weather : creates a new weather data record expects a valid weather data object as its body payload, except that it does not have an id property; you can assume that the given object is always valid adds the given object to the database and assigns a unique integer id to it the response code is 201, and the response body is the created record, including its unique id GET request to /weather: the response code is 200 the response body is an array of matching records, ordered by their ids in increasing order GET request to /weather/<id>: returns a record with the given id if the matching record exists, the response code is 200 and the response body is the matching object if there is no record in the database with the given id, the response code is 404 DELETE request to /weather/<id>: deletes the record with the given id from the database if a matching record existed, the response code is 204 if there was no record in the database with the given id, the response code is 404

Primary LanguageJava

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