Tuner Full Stack Application

Let's make our own music playlist app!

Multiple Session Lab/Activity

While you will start this lab/activity today, you will have many sessions to build it out.

The different parts should align with what you are learning in lecture.

By the end, your app should have the following functionality for parts 1, 2 and 3:

# Action URL HTTP Verb CRUD Description
1 Index /songs GET Read Get a list (or index) of all songs
2 Show /songs/:id GET Read Get an individual view (show one song)
3 Create /songs POST Create Create a new song
4 Destroy /songs/:id DELETE Delete Delete a song
5 Update /songs/:id PUT Update Update a song

While there are no unit tests, (use npm run test to run the jest/supertest test) you should first determine the expected resources and behavior of your app and then use Postman to test your app.

If you finish ahead of time you can try the bonus challenges in each section, or start to build a front-end with React.

If you feel like you are falling behind, reach out to an instructor.

Part 1

  • Get a basic express app working

  • Then implement the index route that uses pg-promise to query your db

# Action URL HTTP Verb CRUD Description
1 Index /songs GET Read Get a list (or index) of all songs

Build a schema for Postgres in a schema.sql file with the following columns/data types:

  • name string, required
  • artist: string, required
  • album: string
  • time: string
  • is_favorite: boolean

Add a seed.sql file that will insert a few songs into your database

Don't forget to update your environmental variables to that you can connect to your Postgres database.

  • create a route / that says something like Welcome to Tuner
  • create a route /songs that shows the array of songs you've created
  • create a 404 route that when a user tries to access a route that doesn't exist, they will see this page


Typing "psql -U postgres -f db/schema.sql" and "psql -U postgres -f db/seed.sql" is a bit annoying and you probably have to look it up every time.

Research how to upgrade your package.json and add two scripts one called dbinit to run the first command and dbseed to run the second command. Then run them using npm run dbinit and npm run dbseed

Part 2

Do not start Part 2 until your previous routes work as expected. If you are stuck, be sure to ask for help.

# Action URL HTTP Verb CRUD Description
2 Show /songs/:id GET Read Get an individual view (show one song)
3 Create /songs POST Create Create a new song

IMPORTANT Since you now have a database, you should use the id of the songs instead of array positions. Be sure to update your logic to fit.

Ie, if your first song in an array (array index of 0) has an id of 4, /songs/4 should be how you get the show view. NOT /songs/0

  • add routes for create and show
  • add some logic so that if someone goes to an invalid id they will be redirected to the 404 route you had written in the last part
  • Add validation that name and artist are required and that is_favorite is a boolean


Improve the error handling, so that you can have more helpful error messages for yourself as a dev, and for future users of the app.

Anytime you encounter an error, especially user error, handle it - send back a response code and possibly a helpful message.

Part 3

Do not start Part 3 until your show and create routes work as expected. If you are stuck, be sure to ask for help.

# Action URL HTTP Verb CRUD Description
4 Destroy /songs/:id DELETE Delete Delete a song
5 Update /songs/:id PUT Update Update a song

IMPORTANT Since you now have a database, you should use the id of the songs instead of array positions. Be sure to update your logic to fit.

Ie, if your first song in an array (array index of 0) has an id of 4, /songs/4 should be how you get the delete route. NOT /songs/0. The same for your `edit route.

  • add routes for delete and update
  • add appropriate validation and error handling


  • Go back and try any of the previous Bonuses
  • Start building a create-react-app front end


Add functionality where if a user goes to

  • /songs?order=asc it will organize the songs alphabetically
  • /songs?order=desc it will organize the songs in reverse alphabetical order
  • /songs?is_favorite=true it will only show the songs where the value of is_favorite is true
  • /songs?is_favorite=false it will only show the songs where the value of is_favorite is false

Part 5

You should build at least one one-to-many resource. Choose one of the following:

  • Build a One-to-Many so that One Playlist has many songs for both the back and front end
  • Build a One-to-Many so that One Album has many songs for both the front end and the back end
  • Build a One-to-Many so that One Artist has many songs for both the front end and the back end


  • Build a way to see the Songs on an Album
  • Tidy up the UI/UX so this app is easy to use for anyone

For addtional practice keep building out the app. Learning to work with a more complex app is an important skill.


Upgrade the app so that a playlist can have many songs and a song can belong to many playlists Add users so that users can have many playlists Add the ability for users to like songs (many songs can be liked by users, users can like many songs)