
AppResponse REST API utilities for functions originally not available in SteelScript

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is a Python script for AppResponse 11 utilities (ar11_utilities.py) that allows bulk operations across a list of appliances, assuming they have the same username/password. (Of course, the script could be modified to pull username and password per appliance, if required.) This is a short-term workaround for customers with a large number of appliances while they wait for Portal central management support of these features.

Currently, the script supports: • Automated creation and pull of backup configurations from appliances • Reporting of Capture Job durations • SAML configuration export and import • Local user export, import, and deletion • Role export, import and deletion • Web server cipher and TLS version settings update

I have also included example files showing the formats of the associated actions. (Some actions, such as delete, simply require one object name per line. Other actions, such as import, require a more complete JSON representation. In the cases of roles, a format based on the current Web UI visualization (formatted line per role) was used.) See below for the script execution examples.

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action report_job_durations

Output: Appliance ['Job Name', 'State', 'Duration'] ['mida-lab-default_job', 'RUNNING', '18 days, 14 hours, 13 minutes']

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostnamelist arxlist --username admin --password admin --action report_job_durations

        This is the only command with an example of how to loop the command execution across multiple appliances


Output: Status code was 403 Error: b'{"error_id":"AUTH_FORBIDDEN","error_text":"Forbidden"}' Appliance appresponseorange.riverbed-demo.com No Capture Jobs found on appliance

Appliance appresponseblue.riverbed-demo.com ['Job Name', 'State', 'Duration'] ['default_job', 'RUNNING', '4 days, 13 hours, 43 minutes']

Status code was 401 Error b'{"error_id": "ACCESS_DENIED", "error_text": "Not authorized to perform the requested operation"}' Failed to login to appresponseblack.riverbed-demo.com

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action roles_export --actionfile roles_export


Roles on appliance

System Administrator, System Administrator, All objects:RW,Application configuration:RW,Job configuration:RW,Network packets:RW,RBAC configuration:RW,System configuration:RW User, , All objects:RO,Application configuration:RW,Job configuration:RW,Network packets:RW,System configuration:RO Tester, , All objects:RO

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action roles_import --actionfile roles_import


Roles on appliance

System Administrator, System Administrator, All objects:RW,Application configuration:RW,Job configuration:RW,Network packets:RW,RBAC configuration:RW,System configuration:RW User, , All objects:RO,Application configuration:RW,Job configuration:RW,Network packets:RW,System configuration:RO Tester, , All objects:RO Manager, , All objects:RO,System configuration:RO

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action roles_delete --actionfile roles_delete


This is an example file, with a comment, on how to list roles for deletion


CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action saml_export --actionfile saml_export

saml_export: {"sign_auth_requests": false, "enabled": false, "fqdn": "", "require_signed_assertions": false, "roles_attr": "memberOf", "idp_metadata": "\r\n<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="https://capriza.github.io/samling/samling.html\">\r\n <md:IDPSSODescriptor WantAuthnRequestsSigned="false" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">\r\n <md:KeyDescriptor use="signing">\r\n <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#\">\r\n </ds:KeyInfo>\r\n </md:KeyDescriptor>\r\n md:NameIDFormaturn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress</md:NameIDFormat>\r\n <md:SingleSignOnService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="https://capriza.github.io/samling/samling.html\"/>\r\n <md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="https://capriza.github.io/samling/samling.html\"/>\r\n </md:IDPSSODescriptor>\r\n</md:EntityDescriptor>", "username_attr": ""}

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action saml_import --actionfile saml_import

saml_import: {"sign_auth_requests": false, "enabled": false, "fqdn": "", "require_signed_assertions": false, "roles_attr": "memberOf", "idp_metadata": "", "username_attr": ""}

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action users_export --actionfile users_export

users_export: {"items": [{"status": "active", "password": {"change_allowed_in": 0, "locks_on": 0, "expires_on": 0}, "enable": true, "account_never_inactive": false, "name": "admin", "roles": [202], "logged_in": true, "login_failure": {"count": 0, "source": "N/A", "date": 0}, "password_never_expires": false, "description": ""}, {"status": "active", "password": {"change_allowed_in": 0, "locks_on": 0, "expires_on": 0}, "enable": true, "account_never_inactive": false, "name": "riverbed", "roles": [203], "logged_in": false, "login_failure": {"count": 0, "source": "N/A", "date": 0}, "password_never_expires": false, "description": ""}]}

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action users_import --actionfile users_import

users_import: {"items": [{"status": "active", "new_password": {"cleartext": "test"} , "password": {"change_allowed_in": 0, "locks_on": 0, "expires_on": 0}, "enable": true, "account_never_inactive": false, "name": "test", "roles": [204], "logged_in": true, "login_failure": {"count": 0, "source": "N/A", "date": 0}, "password_never_expires": false, "description": "Test user"}]}

CLI# python ar11_utilities.py --hostname --username admin --password admin --action users_delete --actionfile users_delete

users_delete: test