- 1
- 11
New rubygem release
#82 opened by mdurn - 0
undefined method `merge' for nil:NilClass
#85 opened by damienh - 2
Update Google Analytics Tracking Code
#75 opened by Epiju - 1
- 3
- 1
Google Tag Manager support?
#79 opened by Zeneixe - 1
Dynamical create account
#81 opened by richardrails - 2
- 4
- 4
#58 opened by gyarra - 2
Wiki Page for KissMetrics
#62 opened by gyarra - 2
Use analytical in mailers or models
#40 opened by Govinda-Fichtner - 2
RSpec view failures
#38 opened by indirect - 2
Analytical helper not loading in rails
#39 opened by gsiener - 12
Inject analytics javascript using Rack
#24 opened by jellybob - 1
- 2
Rails 3.0.9 dependency
#45 opened by jocubeit - 8
SessionCommandStore broken
#48 opened by nirvdrum - 1
Differences between gem and source
#60 opened by gyarra - 0
#56 opened by thiagofm - 1
analytical.head_prepend_javascript raises "undefined method `merge' for nil:NilClass"
#51 opened by readysetawesome - 6
- 3
Support for Gauges
#43 opened by sfsekaran - 2
Clicky data collection is empty
#42 opened by lgs - 0
update list of services in the README
#28 opened by benatkin - 0
Rails 3.1 fix doesn't work in Rails 3.2
#33 opened by nirvdrum - 3
Add a changelog
#26 opened by nirvdrum - 3
Missing partial analytical_javascript.html
#19 opened by dblock - 2
analytical 2.7 broke Rails 3 support
#13 opened by nirvdrum - 1
- 1
track on a redirect_to seems to get discarded
#8 opened by kwerle - 2
Add MixPanel
#1 opened by key88sf - 9
- 2
Console breaks if you don't use Prototype
#2 opened by ChrisRicca