Provides product catalog.
Primary focus is to provide a micro service which will get all the products.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a Cloud PLatform like IBM Bluemix.
What you will need:
- JDK 1.8 or later
- Maven 3.0+
- Spring Boot 1.3.6
- Spring Tool Suite or any other IDE
- In Memory Db (h2)
- Cloud Foundry CLI
Download and unzip the source repository or clone it using Git:
cd into product-service-master
Build the JAR file with
mvn clean package
Executing on local
The procedure above will create a runnable JAR. You can run the JAR file by:
java -jar target/product-service-1.0.jar
Validate Test Results
mvn test
Navigate to /target/site/jacoco open index.html to view all the test reports.
Change to the directory containing pom.xml
cd product-service-master
connect to Bluemix using
[Directory containing cloud foundry CLI]/cf api
Login to Bluemix
[Directory containing cloud foundry CLI]/cf login -u [] -o [organization name] -s [SPACE]
Deploy to Bluemix using
cf push -f manifest.yml
http:// your domain name /products This will return all the products