
openvpn-auth-azure-ad connects to the OpenVPN management interface and handle the authentication ageist Azure AD.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CI PyPI PyPI - Downloads Docker Pulls GitHub license


State: Discontinued - Follow up project: https://github.com/jkroepke/openvpn-auth-oauth2

openvpn-auth-azure-ad is an external service connects to the openvpn management interface and handle the authentication of connecting users against Azure AD.

OpenVPN version 2.4 is required. 2.5 is not tested yet.

Tested environment


  • Python 3.11


  • OpenVPN 2.5.6



Currently, openvpn-auth-azure-ad supports 2 authentication method against Azure AD:

Additionally, if enabled openvpn-auth-azure-ad supports OpenVPNs auth-token mechanismus to allow users to bypass then authenticator above on re-authentications, e.g. due reneg-sec.


via pip

# pip install openvpn-auth-azure-ad

For install pip on your system, see pip docs.

To run a persistent daemon, you copy the systemd unit file to /etc/systemd/system, then run

# systemctl enable openvpn-auth-azure-ad
# systemctl start openvpn-auth-azure-ad

via docker


# docker run --rm \
    -v <path of openvpn mgmt socket>:/openvpn/management.sock
    -v /etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf:/etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf \
    -e AAD_CLIENT_ID= \
    -e OPENVPN_AAD_AUTH_SOCKET_PATH=/openvpn/management.sock \


Args that start with '--' (eg. -V) can also be set in a config file (/etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf or ~/.openvpn-auth-azure-ad or specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override environment variables which override config file values which override defaults.

usage: openvpn-auth-azure-ad.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-V] [-t THREADS] [-a AUTHENTICATORS] [--auth-token] [--auth-token-lifetime AUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME] [--remember-user] [--webauth] [--webauth-url WEBAUTH_URL]
                                [--openvpn-identity-key {common_name,username}] [--verify-openvpn-client] [--verify-openvpn-client-id-token-claim] [-H OPENVPN_HOST] [-P OPENVPN_PORT] [-s OPENVPN_SOCKET]
                                [-p OPENVPN_PASSWORD] [--openvpn-release-hold] --client-id CLIENT_ID [--token-authority TOKEN_AUTHORITY] [--graph-endpoint GRAPH_ENDPOINT] [--prometheus]
                                [--prometheus-listen-addr PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_ADDR] [--prometheus-listen-port PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path of config file [env var: AAD_CONFIG_PATH]
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Amount of threads to handle authentication [env var: AAD_THREAD_COUNT]

OpenVPN User Authentication:
                        Enable authenticators. Multiple authenticators can be separated with comma [env var: AAD_AUTHENTICATORS]
  --auth-token          Use auth token to re-authenticate clients [env var: AAD_AUTH_TOKEN]
  --auth-token-lifetime AUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME
                        Lifetime of auth tokens in seconds [env var: AAD_AUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME]
  --remember-user       If user authenticated once, the users refresh token is used to reauthenticate silently if possible. [env var: AAD_REMEMBER_USER]
  --webauth             Support OpenVPN WebAuth capabilities, if client supports. [env var: AAD_REMEMBER_USER]
  --webauth-url WEBAUTH_URL
                        Wrapper Page for WebAuth capabilities. Copy docs/ folder to host a dedicated one. [env var: AAD_REMEMBER_USER]
  --openvpn-identity-key {common_name,username}
                        Define which value from OpenVPN should be used for identity the AAD user. Supported values: 'common_name', 'username' [env var: AAD_OPENVPN_IDENTITY_KEY]
                        Check if openvpn client common_name matches Azure AD token claim [env var: AAD_VERIFY_OPENVPN_CLIENT]
                        AAD id_token claim used for client verification [env var: AAD_VERIFY_OPENVPN_CLIENT_ID_TOKEN_CLAIM]

OpenVPN Management Interface settings:
  -H OPENVPN_HOST, --openvpn-host OPENVPN_HOST
                        Host of OpenVPN management interface. [env var: OPENVPN_AAD_AUTH_HOST]
  -P OPENVPN_PORT, --openvpn-port OPENVPN_PORT
                        Port of OpenVPN management interface. [env var: OPENVPN_AAD_AUTH_PORT]
  -s OPENVPN_SOCKET, --openvpn-socket OPENVPN_SOCKET
                        Path of socket or OpenVPN management interface. [env var: OPENVPN_AAD_AUTH_SOCKET_PATH]
                        Passwort for OpenVPN management interface. [env var: OPENVPN_AAD_AUTH_PASSWORD]
                        Release hold on OpenVPN Server if --management-hold is enabled [env var: OPENVPN_AAD_AUTH_RELEASE_HOLD]

Azure AD settings:
  --client-id CLIENT_ID
                        Client ID of application. [env var: AAD_CLIENT_ID]
  --token-authority TOKEN_AUTHORITY
                        A URL that identifies a token authority. It should be of the format https://login.microsoftonline.com/your_tenant. By default, we will use
                        https://login.microsoftonline.com/organizations [env var: AAD_TOKEN_AUTHORITY]
  --graph-endpoint GRAPH_ENDPOINT
                        Endpoint of the graph API. See: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer [env var: AAD_GRAPH_ENDPOINT]

Prometheus settings:
  --prometheus          Enable prometheus statistics [env var: AAD_PROMETHEUS_ENABLED]
  --prometheus-listen-addr PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_ADDR
                        prometheus listen addr [env var: AAD_PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_HOST]
  --prometheus-listen-port PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT
                        prometheus statistics [env var: AAD_PROMETHEUS_PORT]
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Configure the logging level. [env var: AAD_LOG_LEVEL]

Args that start with '--' (eg. -V) can also be set in a config file (/etc/openvpn-auth-azure-ad/config.conf or ~/.openvpn-auth-azure-ad or specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true,
stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override environment variables which override config file values which
override defaults.

Register an app with AAD

See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app


  1. Login as admin into tenant
  2. Open App registrations in Azure AD admin center
  3. Click new registration
  4. Pick a name, chose a "Supported account types"-option. Let the redirect uri blank and click register.
  5. Copy the client-id. You need the client-id as configuration option for openvpn-auth-azure-ad.
  6. Click on Authentication on the left menu
  7. "Add a platform", pick Mobile and desktop applications and chose the "MSAL only" option.
  8. On Advanced settings, set "Allow public client flows" to yes.

Required settings on OpenVPN configuration files


Use auth-gen-token only on OpenVPN 2.5+. It conflicts with --auth-token.

management socket-name unix [pw-file]

See Reference manual for OpenVPN for detailed management settings.

If no client certificate are required

If your setup does not require certificates, the following options are required:



auth-retry interact

auth-user-pass is always required otherwise dynamic challenges will not work.

Prometheus support

openvpn-auth-azure-ad has some built-in prometheus support to collect some statistics about authenticators. By default, the prometheus endpoint listen on port 9723.

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Copyright and license

© 2022 Jan-Otto Kröpke (jkroepke)

Licensed under the MIT License