
Selectable Tree View via Backbone.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Selectable Tree View via Backbone.js. See the demo: http://jkronz.github.io/backbonetree/

##Usage You'll want to grab dist/app/backbonetree.js and dist/style/backbonetree.css

  $(function() {
    var treeView = new backbonetree.TreeView({
      tree: sampledata,    //json tree data, children should be specified as a "children" attribute. see sampledata.js
      nameField: 'symbol', //What attribute of the node should be displayed as the label for that node?
      showLeaves: true     //Display the leaf nodes?

When you're done with the tree, calling TreeView#remove() will close the child views and wrap up all event listeners.

##Events When selections are changed, 'backbonetree:selection_updated' is fired on the current TreeView. You can call TreeView#collectCheckedNodes() to get all the objects that are currently selected. Note that this will only return the topmost checked nodes; selected children are implied.

##Style Tree is styled with bootstrap (http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/) and font-awesome (http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/) for the expand/collapse icons.

##Contrib Never used grunt? start with npm install -g grunt-cli

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