
Set of tools to make development in Docker a breeze

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Docker Dev Tools

A suite of cli tools to make development with docker a breeze.

Currently mostly focused on npm / nodeJS projects.

Install with:

npm i -g docker-dev-tools

This will give you the following awesome CLI tools:

  • dpm
  • dpx
  • dport
  • dssh



Use dpm instead of npm.

dpm is basically an alias for docker-compose run --rm app npm so instead of npm install you can dpm install. dpm start is a special alias for docker-compose up so that you can automatically make use of the port-forwards specified in your docker-compose.yml

If you do not have a docker-compose.yml file, a base one can be provided for you with: dpm init.



This lets you forward running ports from inside of containers after the fact. It first lists out all open ports that are not being forwarded, and then lets you select a port to forward it to.