
Get Notifications When Processes / Jobs Complete

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PWatch npm version

Get native notifications when your long running processes finish!

Running Database Migrations? Deploying apps? Compiling? Transfering large files? Get notified when your process has finished.


Install it with yarn or npm:

$ npm install -g pwatch


Add pwatch at the end of your command.

  pwatch <pid | command>

    search      [name]      Lists all processes by PID that match "name"


    – Notifies after 10 seconds

      ${'$ sleep 10 | pwatch'.cyan}

    – See all PID for node related processes

      ${'$ pwatch search node'.cyan}

    – Notify me when process 4030 ends

      ${'$ pwatch 4030'.cyan}

    – Run a chained process in background with a &

      ${'$ sleep 10 | pwatch &'.cyan}


sleep 10 | pwatch


sleep 10 && pwatch


sleep 10; pwatch

Optionally add a & so pwatch runs in the background

sleep 10 | pwatch &

Or if you forget to call it when running your command

$ scp somelargefile.tar.gz root@remotehost:~
$ pwatch search scp
    60132 - 0:00.20 scp somelargefile.tar.gz root@remotehost:~
$ pwatch 60132

You can even use it to be notified upon SSH tunnel closing.

$ ssh root@remotehost
# in another shell...
$ ps aux | grep ssh
justink          60132   0.0  0.2  3041904  31712 s018  S+   12:15PM   0:00.20 ssh root@remotehost
$ pwatch 60132

Then get notified when that process finishes.