
Manipulate csv files from the terminal

Primary LanguageShell

csv concat

Concatenate a pattern of csv files into one file.


Assuming a data directory such as this:

$ ls ./data/*.csv
./data/01.csv   ./data/02.csv   ./data/03.csv

With file contents such as:

$ cat ./data/*.csv


As you can see, every file has its own header, as csv files usually do.

So what if you quickly need to concatenate these files, skipping the header for every file except the first?

This script is your answer! 🎉

$ ./csvconcat.sh -i "./data/*.csv" -o "./data/data.csv" 
$ cat ./data/data.csv


  • If the output file already exists, the script exits with an error
  • To overwrite an output file, supply the -w flag
  • The output file is excluded from the concatenation to avoid recursion
  • The column titles are taken from the first file of the sorted file list

🔥 This script is NOT smart - it does not run any heuristics on your csv data.
If you column labels/count/datatypes/etc. don't match, it won't notice.

script flags

-i: input pattern as one would use in ls, in ".."
-o: output file, in ".."
-w: overWrite the output file if it already exists