
Perl package and driver script to run N jobs concurrently from a list of jobs

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


When you need to run several jobs concurrently, there is frequently a bit of a conundrum.

Some jobs may run very quickly, others may take a long time.

If you split the jobs up equally into different groups, it is easy to run them via some shell scripts.

For instance, you have 8 jobs to run, and you want to run 4 at a time.

Script 1:

  • short-job-01.sh
  • short-job-02.sh

Script 2:

  • long-job-03.sh
  • long-job-04.sh

Script 3:

  • short-job-05.sh
  • long-job-06.sh

Script 4:

  • short-job-07.sh
  • short-job-08.sh

Scripts 1,3 and 4 may be done long before Script 2 completes.

In fact, the first job in Script 2 may still be running after the others have all finished.

And you will then have to wait on long-job-04 as well.

Using jobrun allows running N jobs concurrently, and starting more jobs as others complete.



Defaults for jobrun.pl


A PID file created when jobrun.pl starts.


The main Perl script


Alternative Bash script


Configure some jobs to run.


A test job.


Logic for controlling semaphores and job creation

Examples - jobrun.pl

Start a session:

$  ./jobrun.pl --maxjobs 1 --nodebug --noverbose
parent pid: 1038440
:parent:1038440 main loop
parent:1038440 Number of jobs left to run: 9
parent:1038440 sending job: ./test-job.sh job-2 15
JOB: job-2: ./test-job.sh job-2 15
child:1038440  cmd:./test-job.sh job-2 15

After a bit, you decide to run 9 jobs concurently, and enable --verbose and --debug.

These values are already set in the jobs.conf file, so send HUP to cause the config file to be reloaded and applied.

$  kill -1 $(cat jobrun.pid)

Examples - jobrun.sh

./jobrun.sh -n -i 2 -m 3 -s logs-sh -t jobrun-sh

The following options override the jobrun.conf configuration file

'-n': debug off

'-i 2': set the loop interval to 2 seconds

'-m': max number of concurrent jobs set to 3

'-s logs-sh': the name of the log directory

'-t jobrun-sh': log file base name

Addd '-y' for the dry run option:

$  ./jobrun.sh -n -i 2 -m 3 -s logs-sh -t jobrun-sh $@ -y
interval seconds: 2

## getKV jobrun.conf

 key: logdir  val: ./logs
 key: logfile  val: jobrun-sem
 key: verbose  val: 1
 key: logfile-suffix  val: log
 key: maxjobs  val: 4
 key: debug  val: 1
 key: iteration-seconds  val: 9

## getKV jobs.conf

 key: job-10  val: ./test-job.sh job-10 10
 key: job-1  val: ./test-job.sh job-1 10
 key: job-3  val: ./test-job.sh job-3 10
 key: job-2  val: ./test-job.sh job-2 10
 key: job-5  val: ./test-job.sh job-5 10
 key: job-4  val: ./test-job.sh job-4 10
 key: job-7  val: ./test-job.sh job-7 10
 key: job-6  val: ./test-job.sh job-6 10
 key: job-9  val: ./test-job.sh job-9 10
 key: job-8  val: ./test-job.sh job-8 10

           logDir: logs-sh
    logFileSuffix: log
      logFileName: jobrun-sh
  intervalSeconds: 2
          logFile: logs-sh/jobrun-sh-2024-06-28_14-46-18.log
maxConcurrentJobs: 3
 jobrunConfigFile: jobrun.conf
   jobsConfigFile: jobs.conf
            debug: N

Help - jobrun.pl

  ./jobrun.pl -h

usage: jobrun.pl

  The default values are found in jobrun.conf, and can be changed.

  --config-file        jobrun config file. default: jobrun.conf
  --job-config-file    jobs config file. default: jobs.conf
  --iteration-seconds  seconds between checks to run more jobs. default: 10
  --maxjobs            number of jobs to run concurrently. default: 9
  --logfile            logfile basename. default: jobrun-sem
  --logfile-suffix     logfile suffix. default: log
  --verbose            print more messages: default: 1 or on
  --debug              print debug messages: default: 1 or on
  --help               show this help.


  ./jobrun.pl --logfile-suffix=load-log --job-config-file dbjobs.conf --maxjobs 1 --nodebug --noverbose

 When jobrun.pl starts, it will create a file 'jobrun.pid' in the current directory.

 There are traps on the HUP, INT, TERM and QUIT signals.

 Pressing CTL-C will not stop jobrun, but it will print a status message.

 Pressing CTL-\ will kill the program and cleanup semaphores

 The config file can be reloaded with HUB.

 Say you have started jobrun with the --noverbose and --nodebug flags, but would now like to change
 that so that more info appears on screen.

 The following command will do that:

 $ kill -1 $(cat jobrun.pid)

 jobrun can also be stopped with QUIT or TERM (see kill -l)

 $ kill -3 $(cat jobrun.pid)

 $ kill -15 $(cat jobrun.pid)

 It may take a few moments for the chilren to die.

 The fastest method to stop jobrun is CTL-\

Help - jobrun.sh


  -c  resumable
      if the script is terminated with -TERM or -INT (CTL-C for instance)
      a temporary job configuration file is created for jobs not completed
      this file will be used to restart if -c is again used

  -i  interval seconds - default 10
  -j  jobs config file - default jobs.conf
  -r  jobrun config file - default jobrun.conf
  -m  max concurrent jobs - default 5
  -s  log directory  - default logs
  -t  log file base name - default jobrun-sh
  -u  log file suffix - default log
  -d  debug on - output is to STDERR
  -n  debug off - overrides config file
  -y  dry run - read arguments, config file, show variables and exit
  -h  help

Things to implement

  • track job by pid, job name and status
  • resumable - persist status and results (done in bash version)
    • option - set a jobrun ID for the batch of jobs
      • used to identify file
      • or maybe just a name for the results file
      • skip jobs that have already run and have status == 1
    • option - rerun or not rerun failed jobs - status == 2
  • check if job running when status == 2
  • option - use system metric to throttle number of jobs
    • for OS - could be load (bad idea, I know, just an example)
    • for Oracle - check AAS - allow up to N jobs to run where N == Cores/2
    • code read from a config file - should return an integer
    • in main config - manually set a threshold value for chosen metric
  • results
    • some kind of reporting