Primary LanguagePython


pip install -r requirements.txt 


python3 plot_all_one.py plot_data/builtin_results.csv --vs-builtin

Generates the plots vs the builtin agent

python3 plot_all_one.py plot_data/all_out.txt  

Generates the plots vs the random agent

Plots can be found near the data file, i.e. plot_data/all_out.txt.png

python3 experiment_train.py boxing_v1 nfsp_rainbow  

Basic local hyperparameter search

python3 hparam_search.py --env boxing_v1 --local 

Evaluate with fixed checkpoint

python3 experiment_eval.py boxing_v1 nfsp_rainbow [checkpoint_num] [path/to/checkpoint/dir] 

For example:
python3 experiment_eval.py pong_v2 000500000 checkpoint/shared_rainbow/pong_v2/RB1000000_F50000000.0_S1636751414

For generating rendered gifs: python3 experiment_eval.py --device cpu --agent-random --generate-gif --cropped pong_v2 000500000 checkpoint/shared_rainbow/pong_v2/RB1000000_F50000000.0_S1636751414

You can find the rendered image under the checkpoint directory. checkpoint/shared_rainbow/pong_v2/RB1000000_F50000000.0_S1636751414/playbacks in this case.
--cropped flag will crop the image output as CropObservation wrapper do. Currently CropObservation only crops for the boxing_v1 and tennis_v2 envs.
You can see unwrapped observation if you omit the --cropped flag from the command.

original cropped

Run hyperparameter search on Slurm HPC

  • Generate run command file:
python gen_hparam_search_cmds.py --study-name [name] \ 
    --db-password [password] --db-name [name] --num-concurrent [number]
  • Start Slurm job (ensure enough resources are given!):
python cml.py hparam_search_cmds.txt --conda ma-ale --min_preemptions \
    --gpus [num] --mem [48*num_gpus] > optuna.log 2>&1 


Build singularity image with definition file.

sudo singularity build maale.sif maale.def

Runscript in the image will pull the latest version of master branch under ~/singularity_workspace/ and install dependencies specified in requirements.txt. Make sure to run image before running the train script to keep up-to-date code status for the training.

# Runscript for pull
singularity run maale.sif

# Activate shell for the instance
singularity shell --pwd ~/singularity_workspace/MA-ALE2 --nv maale.sif

After getting into the singularity shell, use your train code to start the train run.

Singularity> CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 [your train command]


Singularity> CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -O hparam_search.py --envs boxing_v1,double_dunk_v2,ice_hockey_v1,pong_v2,surround_v1,tennis_v2 --study-name sig_test --local --max-trials 25

Files Overview

  • Environment code
    • all_envs.py
      • contains list of pettingzoo environments that should be trained
    • env_utils.py
      • contains environment preprocessing code
    • my_env.py
      • MultiagentPettingZooEnv wrapper needed for NFSP
  • Policy code (each one of these has a function that makes a trainable ALL agent).
    • nfsp.py
    • shared_ppo.py
    • shared_rainbow.py
    • shared_utils.py
    • shared_vqn.py (not used/working!)
    • independent_rainbow.py
    • independent_ppo.py
    • model.py
      • some experimental models to use for policies
  • Training code
    • experiment_train.py
      • trains agent returned by policy code
    • gen_train_runs.py
      • Generates many command line calls to experiment_train.py so that many experiments can be run with Slurm, Kabuki, or another job execution service.
  • Evaluation code
    • experiment_eval.py
      • evaluates agent returned by checkpoint
      • can evaluate vs random agent, vs builtin agent (on specific environments), or vs trained opponent.
    • ale_rand_test.py
      • evaluates random agent vs random agent on all the environments, reports the results in a json file
    • ale_rand_test_builtin.py
      • evaluates random agent vs builtin agent on all the environments, reports the results in a json file
    • generate_evals.py
      • generates many calls to experiment_eval.py so that the evaluation jobs can be run with Slurm, Kabuki, or another job execution service
  • Plotting code
    • plot_all_one.py
      • Looks at input csv file, specific random data file inside plot_data folder, and generates a plots with the results
  • Hyperparameter search code
    • gen_hparam_search_cmds.py
      • Writes a file with many calls to "hparam_search.py", currently one per environment
      • Set up like this to use the "cml.py" SLURM tool to easily run batch array jobs on CML
    • hparam_search.py
      • Uses optuna with provided study name (allowing distributed) to optimize over normalized env scores
      • This is doing asynchronous optimization between envs, syncing to shared SQL result database