
Prototype developed to demonstrate the applicability of the approach.


  1. Python version [3.6.8]
  2. Atlassian Plugin SDK version [8.0.16]
  3. Tensorflow version [1.14.0]


  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/jku-isse/TaskAllocator.git
  1. Place the model files in TaskAllocator/src/main/resources (Download from resources.zip)

  2. Replace the "PATHTOREPLACE" in the TestPython.py with the extracted directory

  3. Change directory

$ cd TaskAllocator
  1. Start using the Atlassian Plugin SDK by executing following commands:
$ atlas-run   -- installs this plugin into JIRA and starts it on http://localhost:2990/jira
$ atlas-clean -- removes files built from atlas-run
$ atlas-debug -- same as atlas-run, but allows a debugger to attach at port 5005
$ atlas-help  -- prints description for all commands in the SDK
  1. Create new project-> Create new issue -> approximated role will be generated based on the given title of the issue