
Simple full-text search for ember-cli apps using lunr.js

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Simple full-text search for ember-cli apps using lunr.js.


This is a ember-cli wrapper for lunr.js, a small full-text search library for use in the browser. It indexes JSON documents and provides a simple search interface for retrieving documents that best match text queries.


Installing the library is as easy as:

ember install ember-cli-lunr


Firstly, you need to create an index for the model you need to search. For more details on the index options refer lunr.js docs.

// app/instance-initializers/index-item.js

// For details about the index data checkout lunr.js
// documentation
var itemTitleIndexData = function() {

export default {
  name: 'indexItem',

  initialize: function(application) {
    var lunr = application.lookup('service:lunr');

    lunr.createIndex('item', itemTitleIndexData);

Next, add an indexable mixin to your model and define the indexable keys.

// app/pods/item/model.js
import DS from 'ember-data';
import LunrIndexableMixin from 'ember-cli-lunr/mixins/lunr-indexable';

var Item = DS.Model.extend(LunrIndexableMixin, {
  title: DS.attr('string'),
  indexableKeys: ['title']

After this, all records creates, updates, deletes on the model are kept track by the lunr index.

Now, you can search anywhere in your app using the lunr service's search method. This method is just a wrapper around lunr.js search method.

// app/pods/items/controller.js
import Ember from 'ember';

const { computed } = Ember;

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  lunr: Ember.inject.service(),
  searchQuery: null,

  result: computed('searchQuery', function() {
    var lunr = this.get('lunr'),
        query = this.get('searchQuery'),
        item = this.get('model'),
        resultIds = lunr.search('item', query).mapBy('ref');

    return items.filter(function(item) {
      return resultIds.contains(item.get('id'));