
Laravel 4 Angular JS Starter App

Primary LanguagePHP


Pop is a Laravel 4 and AngularJS SPA starter site. There's lots of good stuff sprinkled in. So feel free to poke around, clone the repo, use it to start a new project, and submit feature requests, pull requests, or just browse the code and learn more about the awesome combination that is Laravel and Angular.



  • Full user system and workflow (register/login/confirm/reset/roles/profile)
  • Contact form
  • Demo pages of all front-end widgets (bootstrap, angular-bootstrap, growl, ui-select, ng-table etc...)
  • Limited Admin system
  • Modal forms
  • Popout menus
  • Form validation and error handling
  • Backend phpunit tests
  • Imagecache


  • Permissions
  • Full extensible admin dashboard
  • Remove ardent dependency
  • Frontend tests
  • Add config for pop app
  • Demo site
  • Better file organization

Sample Screens

Components Profile Register Form


In this project, Angular is setup as a SPA (single page app). It handles all the routes, views, anything that happens on the client side, and interacts with the server (laravel) via REST json.

Here's a quick glance of 3rd party libraries used by pop:


  • bootstrap
  • angular
  • jquery
  • jade
  • less


  • Laravel 4
  • Magma
  • Ardent
  • Confide
  • Entrust
  • Woodling

Package management:

  • composer
  • bower
  • npm


  • phpunit
  • protractor
  • jasmine


  • gulp

Getting started


$ git clone http://github.com/jbizzay/pop newapp

$ cd newapp

$ composer update

$ bower install

$ npm install

$ gulp

Add your machine name to the local environment in bootstrap/start.php

$ mkdir app/config/local

$ cp app/config/database.php app/config/local/database.php

Edit your database settings in database.php, create your database

$ php artisan migrate

Take a look at the seeders setup in app/database/seeds. You can add roles and users here that will be created when you run:

$ php artisan db:seed

If you want to use gulp watch, Setup your virtual host then edit the proxy setting in the browser-sync task in gulpfile.js. Then you can use

$ gulp watch

You will also want to make these folders writeable by your webserver: /app/storage, /public/files


Take a look around /app/config, as there are probably some more settings you will want to change. Also, you can start out with a good theme by adding a bootswatch theme to bower.json . Superhero is used by default.



If you need to install and setup protractor, you can follow this tutorial

Start testing server. Set laravel environment, which correlates to app/config/testing. The database set for the testing environment is testdb.sqlite

$ LARAVEL_ENV=testing && php artisan serve --port=8787

In a separate terminal, start a Selenium server

$ webdriver-manager start

In a separate terminal, run through integration tests. This script builds a starting sqlite database that contains all migrations and runs seeder. This way, you can run integration tests against a real database, with a consistent starting point. Edit the test-integration script if you want to call specific tests, or edit options. This will also open a browser with a report of the tests, including screenshots.

$ cd test

$ ./test-integration