
Neutrify browser extension - CO2 calculator at checkout, empowering consumers to purchase sustainably

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Neutrify is a firefox extension that helps reduce carbon footprint.

Duration of project: 8 March 2021 - Present

Built with React.js & TailwindCSS

Firefox Add-On: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/neutrify/


  1. After cloning the repo, run
yarn install
  1. Make sure that you have the a file called .env in the extension folder, to keep all important environment variables. Check the onboarding document for more information about the .env file.

  2. Once all is done, inside the extension folder, run

yarn build
  1. Head over to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in Mozilla Firefox and click Load Temporary Add-on... to load the manifest.json in your build folder. On the same page, after you add the extension, you can click on "Inspect" to open the console window for the extension (useful for debugging).

Publishing / Uploading a New Version to Firefox Add-On Store

  1. Run yarn build at the terminal to produce a build folder.

  2. For the extension code requested, zip the all the files and folders in build. It is IMPORTANT that the contents in build are zipped, not the folder build itself.

  3. For the source code requested, zip the all the files and folders in the extension folder, EXCEPT build and node_modules.

  4. Login into firefox developer hub at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-Us/developers/.

  5. Head over to https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/neutrify/versions/submit/ to begin uploading the new version.

  6. In the first prompt to upload the extension code, attach the first zipped folder.

  7. In the second prompt to upload the source code, attach the second zipped folder.

  8. Wait for approval (It shouldn't take more than 5 mins, as they automated the approval process.)


v0.1 (8 March 2021 - Present):