- 1
@ember/test-helpers in devDependencies
#416 opened by bmaehr - 1
- 2
Declare `@ember/string` as `peerDependency`
#409 opened by mkszepp - 1
prop-types dependency resolution
#388 opened by meirish - 0
ember-modifier v4 release
#390 opened by andreyfel - 7
Option to stop bubbling the action in the DOM.
#71 opened by girdhariag - 5
Template Compiler Error on bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0
#271 opened by Mifrill - 2
Deprecation warning: `this.sendAction`
#369 opened by fernandaparisi - 3
- 4
Embroider Support?
#190 opened by NullVoxPopuli - 10
Bug: 'cannot use elementId on a tag-less component'
#356 opened by Mifrill - 4
`isClipboardSupported` isn't a method anymore
#225 opened by wagenet - 5
Bootstrap modals support
#180 opened by catz - 5
Unknown helper createSuper error in build
#177 opened by meirish - 5
Convert to Octane for supporting Embroider
#79 opened by NullVoxPopuli - 0
Test helpers missing event data
#33 opened by krishandley - 2
Highlight full target clipboard
#47 opened by mockey-jockey - 2
Using from a controller
#40 opened by sdousley - 5
wrappable component?
#19 opened by et - 4
Trim spaces functionality
#18 opened by bharatmarewad - 0
Output contains invalid package.json
#56 opened by ef4 - 2
Is there a way to hide the input?
#55 opened by lenoraporter - 6
sendAction deprecation
#53 opened by samselikoff - 2
Using index in cliboardTarget
#45 opened by yagosenhorini - 2
- 1
Garbage files in the npm package?
#31 opened by san650 - 1
Fix breaking changes in FastBoot 1.0
#26 opened by simonihmig - 7
- 2
Upgrade ember-cli-htmlbars
#12 opened by devinus - 1
Ember build fails after including the addon
#9 opened by dipayanb - 2
Error with clipboard.js 1.5.6
#6 opened by jrjohnson - 2
Package no longer works in Firefox
#4 opened by chrissvo