Welcome to the Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group. This TAG works with the open source community to define environmental sustainability factors for the cloud native landscape, incubate and advocate open source projects to observe and measure Cloud Native infrastructure carbon footprint, optimize and eventually reduce carbon footprint and promote Cloud Native infrastructure to combat environmental challenges.
We want to raise awareness of environmental sustainability as a key element of open source development and support projects which foster an understanding of energy drivers. All activities should positively impact the community by changing mindset, increasing efficiency, and putting sustainability on everyone's agenda.
- Charter: The TAG Environmental Sustainability Charter further outlines the scope of our group activities as well as the goals and intended deliverables.
- Website: In addition to what you can find in this repository, the TAG Environmental Sustainability maintains the website tag-env-sustainability.cncf.io to more easily present information about TAG.
- Technical Projects Repository: Technical projects are managed in the
Following working groups operate under the TAG Environmental Sustainability:
Working Group | Scope and Goals | Meeting Time |
Green Reviews | green-reviews/charter.md | green-reviews/README.md#meetings-and-contact |
Please take a look at the Project folder to discover all smaller scoped projects of the TAG.
Meetings are every 1st and 3rd Wed at 8am PST on Zoom.
Ways to add to your calendar:
- Import the TAG Environmental Sustainability CNCF calendar feed into your calendar from following URL: https://icalfilter.com/j9732u68l2. Subscribe to someone’s Google Calendar. In this case your calendar will be automatically updated once new events are published.
- Download the .ics file by navigating directly to the following URL in the web browser: https://icalfilter.com/j9732u68l2. Note: in this case automatic updates are NOT supported.
Meeting notes & agenda here
Slack: #tag-environmental-sustainability and #wg-green-reviews slack channels on slack.cncf.io
Social Media:
- LinkedIn: CNCF TAG Environmental Sustainability
- Twitter/X: @CNCFEnvTAG
- YouTube: @CNCFEnvTAG
We encourage new contributors to read the contributing documentation. If you have any questions, please contact us through the channels mentioned above.