
Slang project web site

Primary LanguageSCSSOtherNOASSERTION

Shader-Slang.com website

This theme is losely based on the Serif theme for Jekyll by Zerostatic Themes.


Installing Ruby & Jekyll

If this is your first time using Jekyll, please follow the Jekyll docs and make sure your local environment (including Ruby) is setup correctly.

Installing Theme

Download or clone the theme.

To run the theme locally, navigate to the theme directory and run:

bundle install

To start the Jekyll local development server.

bundle exec jekyll serve

To build the theme.

bundle exec jekyll build

Github Pages

This theme has been tested to work with Github Pages (and Github Project Pages). When using Github Pages you will need to update the baseurl in the _config.yml otherwise all the css, images and paths will be broken.

For example the site https://shader-slang.com would have baseurl: "/"