Use BullMQ and Keda for task management and scheduling


Install Keda to GKE

kubectl apply --server-side -f

Install Redis HPA on Keda:

export REDIS_IP=$(gcloud redis instances list --filter="name:myinstance " --format="value(HOST)" \
sed "s|REDIS_IP|${REDIS_IP}|g" redis-hpa.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Install Redis Insights to view Redis data:

kubectl apply -f redisinsights.yaml

Go to the webpage for Redis Insights and set up the connectivity for Redis instance.

Update deployment file with Redis IP:

sed -i '' "s|REDIS_IP|\"${REDIS_IP}\"|g" provider/provider.yaml
sed -i '' "s|REDIS_IP|\"${REDIS_IP}\"|g" consumer/consumer.yaml

Create Provider app in the cluster:

cd provider
skaffold run --default-repo <YOUR ARTIFACT REPO>
cd ..

Create Consumer app in the cluster:

cd consumer
skaffold run --default-repo <YOUR ARTIFACT REPO>
cd ..


Get the external IP for the provider:

PROVIDER_IP=$(kubectl get svc node -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

Send post requests:

i=0 ; while true ; do curl -o /dev/null -X POST -s http://${PROVIDER_IP}:8080/ ; if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo $i ; break ; fi ; i=$(($i+1)) ; echo -en "$i        \r" ; sleep 1 ; done

Check if the consumer deployment is scaling up:

kubectl get hpa -w

Check in Redis Insights on data updates.