
World Art Day 2021 Collaboration for Hic Et Nunc artists

**#WorldArtDay2021 // worldartday2021.com **

**What is World Art Day?**
World Art Day (April 15th) is an international celebration of the fine arts, declared by [UNESCO](https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000373211_eng) and the [International Association of Art (IAA)](https://www.iaa-usa.org/worldartday#:~:text=SAVE%20THE%20DATE%3A%20APRIL%2015%20%2C%202021%20%2D%20WORLD%20ART%20DAY) to promote awareness of the diversity of artistic expressions and highlight the contributions of artists to sustainable development and society. The date was chosen to honor the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci and his contributions to world peace, freedom of express, tolerance, brotherhood, and multiculturalism. 

Each year, organizations from around the world bring artists together to collaborate on an exhibition aimed at bringing people together and inspiring ideals for the role art plays in society. 

**NFTs for Social Good**
NFTs are the ultimate social currency -- their value is based on the legitimacy of the artist, collector, and people who support it. This is a coordination game where the more people say something is valuable, the more valuable it actually becomes (this works inversely too). This power can be used for selfish (pumping and dumping), but also alturistic reasons (like Jack Dorsey donating the $2.5m from his [NFT tweet](https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/9/22321464/jack-dorsey-nft-tweet-auction-bitcoin-donate-charity) to charity). 

Vitalik (Ethereum founder) had a good idea on leveraging the legitimacy of NFTs to [support public goods](https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/03/23/legitimacy.html). If there is enough social pressure applied to artists/collectors to support NFTs (and platforms like Hic et Nunc) that also do good, we can create a new channel for supporting public goods that are severely underfunded and undersupported. Ironically, it is Tezos and the Hic et Nunc community (not Ethereum) that can be the first to pioneer this new model. 

**Global Call for Hic et Nunc Artists**
The Hic et Nunc community is special. We have shown the world that NFTs can be about more than money and status symbols -- they can be tools to democratize wealth and innovate with new artistic forms. We believe that #WorldArtDay2021 is the perfect opportunity for us to collaborate as a community and show the world how NFTs and art can be instruments for socioeconomic change.

Additionally, this is our opportunity as a Tezos community created viral project. Ethereum has [Cryptopunks](https://www.larvalabs.com/cryptopunks), [Hashmasks](https://www.thehashmasks.com/), and [Euler Beats](https://eulerbeats.com/). Flow has [NBA Topshot](https://nbatopshot.com/). What better than to make the first viral Tezos project one that aims to use NFTs to do good?

1. Create a new model for how NFT art can be used for social good
2. Raise funds to support art non-profits that help democratize access 
3. Attract mainstream media attention to Hic et Nunc, participating artists, and Tezos

**Creative Brief**
- Confirm your participation by completing this form 
- Create a 1 of 1 NFT around the theme of "Art for All" (deadline to mint your NFT is April 14th by 2am PT, plea) 
- On April 15th, promote and engage with fellow Hic et Nunc artists using the hashtags #WorldArtDay2021 #NFTsForAll 

**Theme: "Art for All"**
Art has the power to change our point of view. Hic et Nunc has proven that art also has the power to democratize wealth. Given these perspectives, we felt that "Art for All" was a perfect theme that could tie broader ideas together such as:
- Environment
- Technology
- Education
- Health
- Wealth
- Stigma
- Human Rights
- Culture
- Gender

We will display all artworks from participating artists on the WorldArtDay2021.com gallery where viewers can view work categorized by theme, as well as click through to purchase the 1 of 1 pieces on hicetnunc.xyz.   

**Raising Funds for Creative Commons**
We chose the Creative Commons (creativecommons.org) as the non-profit to donate the proceeds to because they are an international organization dedicated to democratizing access to creative works. All of us have used CC licensing, whether in the creation of our own work or interacting with someone else's licensed work. Additionally, all CC donations of $10,000 or above will receive public recognition on the creativecommons.org website. We plan to make the combined donation under Hic et Nunc, providing further legitimacy to our community.  

Some ideas that we'd love feedback on:
- Invite curators to select a number of NFT art pieces to be turned into public bilboards / posters 

Since there is not much time to accomplish a lot, we'll need the full-time attention over the next 2-3 days in a few key areas to get this done. As compensation for the time, we felt it would be fair to allocate 3.5% of the donation amount to the core team (open to discussions if this seems like too much/little):

[x] Project Manager // @jkwong
[ ] Web3 Developer
[ ] Artist / Designer
[x] UI/UX Designer // @jkwong
[ ] Marketing & Partnerships

If you're interested in playing a part, please comment here or send me an email at j@jkwong.com. thanks! 


Art Fundraising Inspiration