
Leading EDJE TechChallengeFactors

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Leading EDJE TechChallengeFactors See - https://sites.google.com/a/leadingedje.com/techchallengefactors/?pli=1 for details about this challenge.


  1. Mac running OS X Mountain Lion
  2. Xcode 4.5 or Xcode 4.6

Build Instructions

  1. Clone this project from GitHub
  2. Open TechChallengeFactors.xcodeproj inside Xcode 4.5 or Xcode 4.6
  3. Select Product -> Clean from Xcode's menu bar
  4. Select Product -> Build For -> Archiving from the menu bar

Execution Instructions

  1. Build the project (see build instructions above)
  2. Open a Terminal window
  3. Run the command cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  4. At the prompt, enter cd TechChallengeFactors and then, press the Tab key to complete the directory. Then, press Enter.
  5. Run the command cd Build/Products/Release/
  6. Run ./TechChallengeFactors factors.txt replacing factors.txt with the fully qualified path to factors.txt downloaded from the challenge link above. The results will be written to factorsresult.txt inside the current directory.