Running the Baseline Model for Architectural Styles Classification

The baseline folder of this repo contains code for running the "baseline" models that provide a point of comparison for the three state-of-the-art models deployed during the Autumn 2023 quarter of the Data Science Clinic. This guide explains how to run the baseline model for classifying architectural styles using ResNet18, ResNet34, or a custom CNN.


  • Python 3
  • Access to a Unix-like terminal (bash)
  • Conda environment (with dependencies installed)


To re-create the environment used for the baseline model and UNICOM, use the command conda env create -f env.yml

Files Overview

  1. Python script for training and evaluating the model.
  2. Shell script for setting up the environment and running the Python script.
  3. baseline_config.json: Configuration file with parameters for training.

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Create a New Folder

Create a new folder in your desired location: mkdir <folder name>. This folder will be used to store output files and error logs.

Step 2: Update

Edit the file to update the following:

  • REQUIRED: Replace both instances of the folder path for output and error logs with the path of the folder you just created.
  • REQUIRED: Update the OUT_DIR variable with the path of the newly created folder.
  • OPTIONAL: Include the --transfer tag if you want to implement transfer learning instead of the custom CNN.
  • OPTIONAL: If you want to read in a saved model, update the CHECKPOINT variable to the path of the model you want to use and include the --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT} tag.

Step 3: Update baseline_config.json

Edit the baseline_config.json file:

  • Change the where_to_save_checkpoint_path to the path where you want to save the model checkpoint. Give the file name a descriptive name so you can distinguish between your different models.
  • Update the parameters for the model you want to run. A couple of notes about the limitations on these parameters: (1) The resnet variable takes values 18 or 34. (2) The custom CNN only takes an image size and batch size of 32.

Step 4: Update the Checkpoint

If you are using a pre-trained checkpoint:

  • Update the CHECKPOINT variable in with the path to your checkpoint file.

If you are not using a pre-trained checkpoint:

  • Comment out or remove the --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT} part in

Step 5: Either Run the Code via Slurm Cluster or via the terminal

Running the code via Slurm Cluster

In the terminal, navigate to the directory containing and run:


Step 5: Running the code from the terminal

In the terminal, activate the virtual environment:

conda activate unicom_env

Define the variables CONFIG-PATH, CHECKPOINT, and OUT_DIR:

CHECKPOINT="/net/projects/amfam/baseline/<INSERT CHECKPOINT FILE NAME>.pth"


python3 --config ${CONFIG_PATH} --out_dir ${OUT_DIR} --transfer --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT}
conda activate unicom_env
python3 --config ${CONFIG_PATH} --out_dir ${OUT_DIR} --transfer --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT}


Model Accuracy Download Link
Baseline@32px 25% Download
Baseline/ResNet-34@224px 71% Download
Baseline/ResNet-18@512px 73% Download

Additional Experiments

Model Accuracy
Baseline@32px 25%
Baseline/ResNet-18@32px 38%
Baseline/ResNet-18@128px 51%
Baseline/ResNet-18@224px 60%
Baseline/ResNet-18@256px 70%
Baseline/ResNet-18@512px 73%
Baseline/ResNet-34@224px 71%
Baseline/ResNet-34@256px 71%
Baseline/ResNet-34@512px 70%

Example graph of loss and accuracy

The below graph is from training ResNet-18@224px. This type of graph is produced during each round of training.

A line chart illustrating the accuracy and loss throughout each epoch of training